Monday, September 28, 2009

Even after 30 years - He should get what is coming to him

Roman Polanski. Since my college days, this is a name I have equated with PERVERT.

Just to remind everyone. Some 30 years ago, Polanski was accused of raping and sodomizing a 13 year old girl. This after plying her with drugs and alcohol. He plead guilty to the crime. As part of his plea deal with the prosecutor, he was to be spared any more jail time than the 45 days already served.

But then, it appeared that the judge in the case might not fall for such light treatment. This, even though Polanski was, I mean, like this really famous director and artist and everything. So, he did what any of us would do, he fled to France.

The French, apparently, were not all that bothered by all of this. Because you see, he was like this really famous director and artist and everything. So, in the land of wine, cheese, famous artists, and military incompetence - he did stay lo these many years.

Then he got invited to go to Switzerland to receive some hoity toity award for his lifetime of work as this really famous artist. But - a surprise awaited him.

The Swiss, in an act of stunning common sense, arrested his old ass on the 30 year old warrant. Apparently, they were more bothered by his crime and subsequent fleeing the jurisdiction than were the French.

Well now, according to this article, the French are in high dudgeon over the whole thing. They want him returned to France immediately.

I say BS. Little you famous artist twit - you did the crime, you do the time. Running away just put a book mark in your journey through the legal system. It did not make it go away. So, now -- your baaaacccckkk.

The court should impose whatever jail time it sees fit. And, of course, no bail - Mr. Polanski is the definition of 'flight risk'. Let the general population in some backwater prison see what a famous director type looks like.

Yo Polanski - serves you right. You are a self important twit and yes, Virginia, the law DOES apply to you.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Shocker!! People think Main Stream Media is BIASED for Obama!!

Only if 1)You have been living off the grid for the past 18 months, or 2) You went to public school and actually believed what your teachers told you, or 3) you have zero analytical skills: does this surprise you.

Stunning revelations:

  • Two-thirds (67.9 percent) of Americans surveyed think that “objective and fair journalism is dead,”
  • 89.3 percent believe the news media played a role in the election of President Barack Obama.
  • A majority believe the MSM are promoting the Democratic health care reform package without objective criticism
  • 86.6 percent of the people surveyed think that journalists strongly or somewhat have their own political and public policy positions and attempt to influence public opinion.

Folks, this is not good. The health and strength of our Republic is dependent in no small measure on the strength and independence of the press.

When you watch ABC, CNN, NBC, CBS, and especially MSNBC, or read the New York Times and Washington Post - you are seeing un-varnished, un-questioning support and advocacy for the Liberal policies of our Dear Leader.

And, it seems, Obama knows where is bread is buttered. This past weekend, he went on FIVE Sunday talk shows to tout "his" Health Care Takeover Plan. (I put "his" in quotes because he hasn't actually produced a plan.)

Here are the FIVE networks he went on:
  • ABC
  • CBS
  • CNN
  • NBC
  • Univision (A Spanish language outlet)

So, he can go on a Spanish language outlet - but could not find time for Fox? Apparently he had time for 5 shows, but not 6. (And they were mostly pre-recorded - not done actually on Sunday.)

Of course, this all might explain why these outlets are all suffering terribly in the ratings. Fox, on the other hand, is thriving. Why? According to the same poll - Fox is the most trusted network for news. Despite what the Left says - you WILL hear both sides on Fox. Why does it seem so extreme to Left? Simple - when you listen to the lefty networks - you NEVER hear an opposing view. So, when they tune to Fox and DO hear a view with which they disagree - they are stunned! It is apostasy to them. They can't process the fact that someone (clearly a racist someone) ACTUALLY voiced disagreement with Liberal Dogma.

Folks - you need to vote with your feet and fingers. Patronize news outlets on which you see both sides of an issue. Shun those that are open cheerleaders for ANY point of view.

Not sure it they will ever get the message though. I mean, MSNBC has already has an audience that numbers in the dozens. If they haven't figured out yet that something is wrong, me thinks they never will.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

In case you are worried our schools are being used for INDOCRINATION - Yes, we can

Us wing-nut Conservatives have long been suspicious of what goes on in our Government funded, National Education Association (Teachers UNION) controlled public schools.

You see, the NEA supplies the largest number of delegates to the Democratic National convention every four years. The teachers are like lemmings when it comes to parroting Liberal dogma. They spend a LOT of time with your kids. Except, of course for the 180 days that they do not have to work.

Why are we concerned? Well, they have unfiltered access to our kids minds. They represent authority to the kids. Obviously, what the 'teacher said' carries a lot of weight. Further, as a parent, you have a very limited practical ability to know what they are being taught. Sure, you can see the published curiculum and text books. These, in a lot of cases, are enough of a horror. But, you can't hear what REALLY goes on. Well, not usually.

In the video below, you can see a glimpse. It is a tribute song to our Dear Leader. Notice the use of his middle name, Hussein! We were castigated for even mentioning it during the campaign. Apparently, if you set it to music, you are in the clear.

What I see is fit for a dictator-Not for a sitting President. And the Left wonders why the Home School movement is so big - and why we are clamoring for vouchers to allow us to take our tax money to pay for private school.

Just a question - with the time these kids are taking to practice this song of adulation to Dear Leader - will they still have time to learn 'critical thinking' skills. Oh, nevermind.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Welcome Home

Sitting in a welcome home ceremony for my soldier son-in-law. He has spent the past year+ stationed in Egypt with the 1/145, CO D, Armored Regiment, as part of a Multinational Force Observer.

The deployment was a burden on the soldiers - and also for their wives, parents, and children.

I salute each one - and give them each a big Thank You...and Welcome Home.

I have a question

For all the Democrats and Liberals out there who are certain that the current criticism of Obama has its roots in racism - could you please help me out?

I hope that you would agree that it is possible to have honest disagreements with Obama on his policy positions. I would remind you that Obama, just yesterday, said exactly that. If you do not agree that honest disagreements are possible - wow!

Ok - since honest disagreements ARE possible, here is my question to you:

How would one go about expressing such a disagreement WITHOUT you drawing the conclusion that it is, in fact, based in racism? Is there some 'magic' word that one would have to utter, or avoid uttering, to pass your 'racism' test?

We know that you cannot say, as Joe Wilson, did - 'You lie!'. We know this because Maureen Dowd said that she detected an unspoken addition to the statement. What she heard was 'You lie, BOY'! I was really amazed. I listened to the Wilson comment several times. I did NOT hear the 'BOY' part of the comment. Maybe I am just tone deaf.

So, we have established the simple declarative 'You lie' is, at least to Ms. Dowd's finely tuned ear, racist.

So, again, I ask: In 2009, how does one voice disagreement with the Messiah on the substance of his policy WITHOUT triggering your racist radar?

Feel free to leave a comment if you have a solution to my query.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jimmy Carter - STILL an idiot

Jimmy Carter has been the worst President of my life time. Beyond simply being totally incompetent, he was a disaster on the foreign stage. One would have hoped that he would have had the good grace to just fade away - but no. He is the darling of the Left (failure makes your star shine brightly on the Left). James Earl is an anti-Semite. He is more aligned with the pro-Palestinian militias than with Israel. You think me too harsh? Oh, did you see this? Osama bin Laden just recommended three 'must read' books. One of them is by... wait for it.... wait for it... that's right class - The Peanut Farmer himself, James Earl (Jimmy) Carter!!!

With that as background, the Incompetent one just proclaimed what has been whispered about lately: People criticize Obama because they are racists.

This is the strategy of the Left lately - anytime you don't like one of Obama's policies - it must be because you are racist!! Really? It is because you are racist? Oh my. All of the 1-2 million people at the 9/12 protest are racist? Sure, there are some that are - that is almost surely a fact. But, let's be honest - people don't like a lot of his POLICIES. They don't like the drive for control of private companies, the expanding government control, the growth of government, the shady advisers, etc.

According to the Libs, 50%+ of all Americans are now racists!!!

It is just very dismissive of honest dissent. I guess it is just easier for the Libs to chalk it up to racism - then they can refuse to deal with the substance of our complaints.

What about the fact that we just DISAGREE? We think the Messiah is a Statist, or socialist, or a Marxist. His race does not enter into our thinking.

I take this as a tacit admission that the Dems have lost the Health Care debate on the merits - so, they result to ad hominem attacks.

Is this what we have come to? Will we stand for it?

Friday, September 4, 2009

Guess what - your 'free' health care won't be free..

The latest news on the health care front: 60% of Americans will qualify for something called an 'affordability' credit. What does this mean, exactly?

Well, of course, no one knows, exactly. The story supposedly is - if you earn less than 4 times the poverty limit - you will qualify. So, something like 80,000 for a family of four. Really? So, a family of 4, earning $75,000 will qualify?

Question - who will pay for this? Answer - everyone!! First, it will obviously mean tax increases for those of us left who are still paying taxes. So, if you have a job, it will be good news, bad news. The good news - you get some kind of credit. The bad news - your taxes went up, to fund your credit.

Remember the Messiah's pledge to cut taxes for 95% of Americans? I hope you never actually believed that.

And for those who DO actually get a credit (Your are welcome, I worked hard to fund it for you) - how will you pay? Mostly with your time -- waiting, and waiting to see a doctor. And then waiting and waiting for that test that you need. Then, more waiting if you are unlucky enough to need surgery. Surgery that you will qualify for only if you are not too old to make it 'cost effective'. If you doubt that, read up quick on the Canadian and English systems...

Bottom line, keep up the fight folks. We have got to stop this move towards 'single payer'. They will try to re-package it in the coming days - just to try to fool you. Don't fall for it.