Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jimmy Carter - STILL an idiot

Jimmy Carter has been the worst President of my life time. Beyond simply being totally incompetent, he was a disaster on the foreign stage. One would have hoped that he would have had the good grace to just fade away - but no. He is the darling of the Left (failure makes your star shine brightly on the Left). James Earl is an anti-Semite. He is more aligned with the pro-Palestinian militias than with Israel. You think me too harsh? Oh, did you see this? Osama bin Laden just recommended three 'must read' books. One of them is by... wait for it.... wait for it... that's right class - The Peanut Farmer himself, James Earl (Jimmy) Carter!!!

With that as background, the Incompetent one just proclaimed what has been whispered about lately: People criticize Obama because they are racists.

This is the strategy of the Left lately - anytime you don't like one of Obama's policies - it must be because you are racist!! Really? It is because you are racist? Oh my. All of the 1-2 million people at the 9/12 protest are racist? Sure, there are some that are - that is almost surely a fact. But, let's be honest - people don't like a lot of his POLICIES. They don't like the drive for control of private companies, the expanding government control, the growth of government, the shady advisers, etc.

According to the Libs, 50%+ of all Americans are now racists!!!

It is just very dismissive of honest dissent. I guess it is just easier for the Libs to chalk it up to racism - then they can refuse to deal with the substance of our complaints.

What about the fact that we just DISAGREE? We think the Messiah is a Statist, or socialist, or a Marxist. His race does not enter into our thinking.

I take this as a tacit admission that the Dems have lost the Health Care debate on the merits - so, they result to ad hominem attacks.

Is this what we have come to? Will we stand for it?

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