Sunday, September 28, 2008

Send off for my son-in-laws Guard Unit

Last night, we had the honor of attending the 'Call to Duty' ceremony for my son-in-law's (Mike) National Guard unit prior to their deployment. Almost 400 citizen soldiers are deploying for 12 months.

A local congressman gave some brief remarks - and used part of Zell Miller's speech from the 2004 Republican Convention. Miller, if you will recall, is a Democrat. The key part of the speech:

Never in the history of the world has any soldier sacrificed more for the freedom and liberty of total strangers than the American soldier. And, our soldiers don't just give freedom abroad, they preserve it for us here at home. For it has been said so truthfully that it is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the agitator,Today, think: BHO as a 'street organizer' who has given us the freedom to protest. It is the soldier who salutes the flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag who gives that protester the freedom he abuses to burn that flag. No one should dare to even think about being the Commander in Chief of this country if he doesn't believe with all his heart that our soldiers are liberators abroad and defenders of freedom at home.

THis is powerful stuff - and, given the context of last night, was enough to make you stand up and cheer.

Miller added, in the original speech:

But don't waste your breath telling that to the leaders of my Party today. In their warped way of thinking America is the problem, not the solution. They don't believe there's any real danger in the world except that which America brings upon itself through our clumsy and misguided foreign policy. It is not their patriotism -- it is their judgment that has been so sorely lacking. They claimed Carter's pacifism would lead to peace -- they were wrong.

Just as true, or truer, than it was 4 years.

Mike is leaving a young wife, Katy, and toddler for the year. This will be tough time for them, especially Katy. Having to make due by yourself, alone with a toddler, it tough stuff. I know that she will be ok - but the world seems dark to her at the moment.

This is a time to be proud of his service, and pray for his safety. Godspeed for a safe return and a successful mission.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dems ignored the early warnings

Back in 2003, during hearings on a Bush Adminstration proposal to do a better job regulating Freddi and Fannie, Barney Frank, who is now in charge of the committee overseeing this mess, said the following:

Hearing from September 2003 on an administration proposal to alter the regulation of GSEs like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. See Congressman Barney Frank's opening statement, It's rather amusing. Here's an excerpt of his opening statement:

I want to begin by saying that I am glad to consider the legislation, but I do not think we are facing any kind of a crisis. That is, in my view, the two government sponsored enterprises we are talking about here, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are not in a crisis. WRONG We have recently had an accounting problem with Freddie Mac that has led to people being dismissed, as appears to be appropriate. I do not think at this point there is a problem with a threat to the Treasury.WRONG

I must say we have an interesting example of self-fulfilling prophecy. Some of the critics of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac say that the problem is that the Federal Government is obligated to bail out people who might lose money in connection with them. I do not believe that we have any such obligation.WRONG And as I said, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy by some people.

So let me make it clear, I am a strong supporter of the role that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac play in housing, but nobody who invests in them should come looking to me for a nickel--nor anybody else in the Federal Government.WRONG And if investors take some comfort and want to lend them a little money and less interest rates, because they like this set of affiliations, good, because housing will benefit. But there is no guarantee, there is no explicit guarantee, there is no implicit guarantee, there is no wink-and-nod guarantee. Invest, and you are on your own.

Now, we have got a system that I think has worked very well to help housing.WRONG The high cost of housing is one of the great social bombs of this country. I would rank it second to the inadequacy of our health delivery system as a problem that afflicts many, many Americans. We have gotten recent reports about the difficulty here.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have played a very useful role in helping make housing more affordable,WRONG both in general through leveraging the mortgage market, and in particular, they have a mission that this Congress has given them in return for some of the arrangements which are of some benefit to them to focus on affordable housing, and that is what I am concerned about here. I believe that we, as the Federal Government, have probably done too little rather than too much to push them to meet the goals of affordable housing and to set reasonable goals. WRONG WRONG WRONGI worry frankly that there is a tension here.

The more people, in my judgment, exaggerate a threat of safety and soundness, the more people conjure up the possibility of serious financial losses to the Treasury, which I do not see. WRONGI think we see entities that are fundamentally sound financially and withstand some of the disastrous scenarios. And even if there were a problem, the Federal Government doesn't bail them out.WRONG But the more pressure there is there, then the less I think we see in terms of affordable housing.

Pay special attention to the line: 'I believe that we, as the Federal Government, have probably done too little rather than too much to push them to meet the goals of affordable housing and to set reasonable goals'.

Basically, what he meant was 'we have not done enough to force banks to make bad loans'.

Also: The more people, in my judgment, exaggerate a threat of safety and soundness, the more people conjure up the possibility of serious financial losses to the Treasury, which I do not see.


Now this guy is in charge of the House effort to 'fix' the problem. Which, in true Socialist style, they are trying to blame on a failure of Capitalism..... Grab your wallets..

Now - for McCain - who proposed the kinds of reforms we needed back then. You NEED to pin the tail on the Donkey here. This started under Carter, got worse under Clinton. Yes, the Repubs share some of the blame. But --- you MUST point our YOUR attempts to head this off.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Oh what a Rangel'd web we weave

Charlie Rangel - Democrat - is the head of the House Ways and Means Committee. For those that went to public school - that is the committee that writes all of the wonderful tax laws that come out of Washington.

Given his position, one would think that he 1) Understood the laws that were being written; and 2) Would follow and respect such laws - given that he wrote them.

Not so fast. Because, as we all know, Liberals do not want to live under the same conditions that they create for you.

Apparently, good-ole Charlie owns rental property in the Dominican Republic (well, of course he does - don't you?). And he failed to report about $75,000 in rental income over that past years. Now, this is a clear violation of Federal Tax law. In my opinion, it should not be - but, thanks to the IRS, it is. Also, he claims he did not KNOW that he got an interest free loan from the resort operator in the Dominican. I can see how that could happen - I mean - just last week a guy offered me a big, no-interest loan---yah, ok - that was a lie.

Oh - and Mr. Rangel also owes $5,000 in back taxes to the Feds, and a similar amount to the state and city. My, my, my what a mess he is in with the laws HE wrote.

Now, given the strong pledge Nancy Pelosi made to 'clean-up' Washington, one could assume Mr. Rangel would be losing his chairmanship - if not his house seat. But, of course, you would be wrong. Because - when you are a Democrat --- it IS different.

"Mr. Rangel has not considered, nor has it ever been on the table, that he would step aside from his current position as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee," said Davis. "He has no intention of leaving that position, even on a temporary basis."

Now, of course, had Mr. Rangel has and 'R' after his name, the drumbeat to resign would be un-stoppable (Tom Delay, call your office)... But - when you are a Democrat --- it IS, oh so different.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I am from the Government - I am here to help

Yikes. Government HELP? Just what we DON'T need. What I refer to is the unfolding Mortgage meltdown. We are hearing my cries for more 'oversight' by Federal Regulators. That is the same as blaming the free market for this mess. We need just the opposite.

Let us reflect. How did we get in this mess? It was chiefly because the Feds essentially forced banks to loan money to folks that they would not otherwise have loaned to. People in 'red-lined' areas, for instance. These were areas deemed by banks to be 'high risk' areas for loans. Areas with a lot of poverty, crime, and declining property values. Well, we could not have that. Why? Because there were also a lot of minorities in those areas. So, the Feds basically said - 'Thou shalt loan to the poor and downtrodden'. This was a HUGE manipulation of the Free Market.

Now, banks did charge higher interest for these loans. But, many were made without sufficient 'documentation' (like proof that you might actually be able to pay it back). Also, appraisals were inflated to allow the loans to go through. Lastly, downpayment requirements were essentially eliminated. And, let's throw in an adjustable rate - with a low, teaser, initial rate. And, lets add the interest that you are not paying, during the teaser period, to the principle of the loan. Result? People with limited means to pay back the loan, borrowed essentially 100% of the inflated value of a house, in a bad area. Then, when the loan rate re-adjusts up after the teaser period - BOOM, you are now underwater with a loan that exceeds the real value of the house. All this happened because banks did not want to be called racists for refusing loans to people who, by any objective standard, should NEVER have qualified for a loan in the first place.

Then, they got Freddie and Fannie to buy up these ill-advised loans. These were quasi-government institutions who were exempt from normal market forces. They were run by folks who lined their own pockets and then got out before the tidal wave hit. One of them now advises the BHO campaign on Economic Policy (Franklin Raines, call your office).

Now - if you are waiting for an investigation or prosecution over all of this... Don't hold your breath. Even though the investors in Fannie Mae, for instance, lost nearly all of their money (Remember Enron and Ken Lay) - don't expect anything similar in this case. Why? Because the folks that are primarily guilty of the underlying crime sit in the House and Senate in Washington.

So, what do the geniuses in Washington propose? MORE government tinkering. Sweet.

Hey - We are the government. We caused this problem - now, we will do even more to fix it.

Why do I not feel reassured?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

So, this is what fear smells like...

Watching the Dems and Kook Left desperately try to figure out how to attack Sarah lets you know what fear looks like.

When I was going through my SCUBA diving training, one of things that got drilled into my head was that Panic kills. Yes, panic drives the survival instinct, but it essentially makes you lose your mind. When approaching a panicked diver - you have to approach from the bottom and then the back. If you approach front on - the paniced diver will likely drown you in a fevered attempt to save himself.

I think we are witnessing panic. I mean, BHO, the Dems, and the MSM are essentially running against Sarah at this point. Why? Ok - they see that she has energized everyone. When was the last time the Repubs were up in the generic ballot? I don't remember exactly - but a lonnnng time.

The content of a lot of their attacks are vacuous, and somewhat pathetic.

Attacking her lack for foreign policy experience? News flash, governors do not, in general, have the opportunity to have a lot. Another Governor of a small state (Bill, call your office) comes to mind. Ok- he lived in England in college - yippee. She should stay home with her kids? Did Michelle, my bell, stay home with her when she had the 300k job? Did Joe pass on serving in the Senate when he suddenly (and very tragically) become a single dad? She is Pro-Life. Oh my - when one violates the First Commandment of Feminism (the Lefty version), I guess you forfeit the right to speak as a woman.

The trouble for BHO is that the bloom is off his rose. He got where he is with platitudes and pretty talk. But it is like a dog chasing a car - once he catches it, he has no idea what the hell to do.

You would like to see him stake out, specifically, what he would do. But, he knows he can't. As we say in 'fly-over' country - that dog won't hunt.

He wants to raise taxes. But, when pressed, he says he would delay that if we are in a recession when he takes office. Well, higher taxes are either a good thing or not. What does it tell you about his core beliefs when he stutter-steps like that? Basically, he can't tell you his core value on this - because it is basically Robinhood without the tights.

Energy independence. He really can only tell you what he won't do. We all know that the holy grail of 'alternative' energy is years away. In the short term he offers nothing. Except - he now says he will entertain a watered down version of 'drill here, drill now'. That is 'Sarah-lite'.

He wants some kind of massive national 'service' program. He would model the Canadian Katimavik program. National service is fine. Though, he offers no real compelling reasons. And, as McCain pointed out (with no formative response from 'the one we have been waiting for', not every good thing has to be Federally run.

He wants to convert our health care system to a Canadian style system. Even after the creator of that system, Claude Castonguay, has said it is a failure. Sure, there are some sytems that are better than the Canadian version. But, they all represent a move towards Socialism. It does appeal to our selfish nature to have someone else pay for our goodies. But, this is America - we should NOT be doing Socialism.

The war? Our success in Iraq has removed this as an issue with which BHO can move anymore voters into his column.

Hillary? He messed his nest with the way he treated Hillary. That ship has sailed.

I am curious to see what BHO will do next. I think his surrogates will continue to attack Sarah, hoping something will stick. On the positive side, he is desperately in search of a coherent strategy. Maybe Bill gave him some good advice last week - maybe he will take it. I doubt it. Because a positive, formative, approach is basically impossible because the foundation of that strategy would mean exposing his true intent. And, as Liberals everywhere know, if they expose their true intent - they will lose.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pig Schmig

Ok - Let's face it - the BHO line about lipstick on a pig got a big laugh from his supporters. They knew immediately that he was talking about Sarah.

It is not like BHO made the line up. I remember Perot using it. Others have also used it with varying effect.

Now, BHO would have us believe he was not referring to Sarah - IMHO - that is BS. Now, if he was meaning to refer to Sarah, he was just being an ass.

But, let's do a thought experiment. Let's say he was NOT referring to Sarah - it just makes him look stupid. He should known, in our thought experiment, that his remark would be taken exactly as it has been.

If BHO were really trying to run a 'different' kind of campaign, he would studiously avoid this kind of nonsense.

So, he is either an ass - or he is stupid. Or, maybe....just maybe, both.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Wanted: Food Taster for Joe Biden

I have been camping for a week. No papers, no radio - Loved it... but, back at it now.

It has gotten interesting since the Palin pick. It appears to me that BHO is in a big sort of trouble. The Conservatives are jazzed. The feminists are looking at Sarah going - hey, yah - you CAN be a mommy and a working woman. Of course, they are pissed it took the Republicans to make this move. And after watching the Dems diss on Hill - they are doubly pissed.

Biden was a 'safe' choice for BHO, at the time. But, now, Sarah has become the game changer. You can sense the Libs are in an abject panic. They tried attacking Sahah (still will) - but you get the sense they know it was a lost cause. You had BHO defending his experience against that of Sarah. But, of course, he is not running against her - or at least he shouldn't be.

A friend of mind postulated that BHO may throw Joe under the bus (Gramma, is there still room under there?) and replace him with Hillary. Now, this struck me as highly unlikely, but.... It would shake the race back up. It might bring back some of the Hillary supporters. Though, after everyone knows she is not his first choice - one suspects it might not have the desired, positive, effect. It would work (maybe) to quash the 'feminist' gap. It could re-ignite the excitement on the Dem side - after the Sarah pick sucked all of the Oxygen out of the race.

But, I don't think she would do it. Why? Well, if she sees BHO going down in flames, why help him out? She wants to run for POTUS is 2012 - she would not want to prop him up. Unless...unless she thinks she could unseat him somehow. What could do that? Well - the way 'under-reported' flap about BHO's country of birth, his phony birth-certificate, his adoption by an Indonesian citizen. Anything that brings doubt on his being a 'natural born citizn)--> THAT would the potential of causing a Constitutional 'crisis'. If Hill thought it was REALLY strong enough to actually unseat BHO and launch her directly to the top --- maybe, long-shot maybe she does it.

So, if you see Joe suddenly check into rehab, develop a sudden case of food poisoning, or have an un-explained 'family crisis', or a plane, or car crash (Ted Kennedy, call your office) in the next 60 days --- you will know Hill thinks she has the goods on BHO and is making her move.

Otherwise - look for Hill to have a good seat to watch the BHO campaign go up in flames.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The so-called 'Employee Free Choice Act'

This is a re-post of my 9/2/2008 post.

I am adding a link to Human Events: 10/6 H/E Article. I am glad to see that someone else finally noticed this 'card-check' issue.

I am not going to blog on the whole VP brouhaha - It bores me. Though, I am fascinated to see Obama saying 'I have more experience than Sarah Palin' - If he were only running for VPOTUS, this might make some sense....

Anyway - on the the mis-named 'Employee Free Choice Act', or EFCA. This should win the award for the 'Most Deceptively Named Legislation' in history.

The thrust of the act: It would remove the requirement for a secret ballot in elections that decide whether workers at a company want to form a union.

Instead, it would allow something called 'card-check'. This means that a Union representative (let's call him Vito - or Crusher, or Knuckles) would come to the employee of a company that the union was seeking to organize. Vito would hand the employee a 'card' and ask (nicely, I am sure) 'Duze you wants to sign this here card to get da union?'.

Now, you as the employee, can either sign - or, face the prospect of a late night visit from Vito and the other Crusher brothers to 'discuss' your objection to the Union. This will not be hard to imagine - since the Union will have the names of all 'prospective members' at their disposal.

This is compared to the current, secret, ballot where no one knows who voted for or against the union. What is interesting is that the Union's originally pushed for the secret ballot to battle company's intimidation of its workers. And it worked exactly that way - it protected workers from company retaliation. But now, it is protecting workers from Union intimidation - so enter the 'card check' of the EFCA.

It was very clever to name this bill the EFCA. The only free choice you have is to sign the card in the presence of Union thugs to avoid getting your ass kicked later - or phone calls at night - or vandalism of your get the picture.

For two opposing websites:
For the EFCA (union backed):
Against: Heritage Foundation:

Now, Barack Hussein Obama (aka BHO) is for the EFCA - no suprise - because it is a Socialist's dream come true.

As an interesting aside - did you know that Sarah Palin's husband is a member of the United Steel Workers?