Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pig Schmig

Ok - Let's face it - the BHO line about lipstick on a pig got a big laugh from his supporters. They knew immediately that he was talking about Sarah.

It is not like BHO made the line up. I remember Perot using it. Others have also used it with varying effect.

Now, BHO would have us believe he was not referring to Sarah - IMHO - that is BS. Now, if he was meaning to refer to Sarah, he was just being an ass.

But, let's do a thought experiment. Let's say he was NOT referring to Sarah - it just makes him look stupid. He should known, in our thought experiment, that his remark would be taken exactly as it has been.

If BHO were really trying to run a 'different' kind of campaign, he would studiously avoid this kind of nonsense.

So, he is either an ass - or he is stupid. Or, maybe....just maybe, both.

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