Monday, September 28, 2009

Even after 30 years - He should get what is coming to him

Roman Polanski. Since my college days, this is a name I have equated with PERVERT.

Just to remind everyone. Some 30 years ago, Polanski was accused of raping and sodomizing a 13 year old girl. This after plying her with drugs and alcohol. He plead guilty to the crime. As part of his plea deal with the prosecutor, he was to be spared any more jail time than the 45 days already served.

But then, it appeared that the judge in the case might not fall for such light treatment. This, even though Polanski was, I mean, like this really famous director and artist and everything. So, he did what any of us would do, he fled to France.

The French, apparently, were not all that bothered by all of this. Because you see, he was like this really famous director and artist and everything. So, in the land of wine, cheese, famous artists, and military incompetence - he did stay lo these many years.

Then he got invited to go to Switzerland to receive some hoity toity award for his lifetime of work as this really famous artist. But - a surprise awaited him.

The Swiss, in an act of stunning common sense, arrested his old ass on the 30 year old warrant. Apparently, they were more bothered by his crime and subsequent fleeing the jurisdiction than were the French.

Well now, according to this article, the French are in high dudgeon over the whole thing. They want him returned to France immediately.

I say BS. Little you famous artist twit - you did the crime, you do the time. Running away just put a book mark in your journey through the legal system. It did not make it go away. So, now -- your baaaacccckkk.

The court should impose whatever jail time it sees fit. And, of course, no bail - Mr. Polanski is the definition of 'flight risk'. Let the general population in some backwater prison see what a famous director type looks like.

Yo Polanski - serves you right. You are a self important twit and yes, Virginia, the law DOES apply to you.


Amy said...

It's about damn time his sorry arse gets hauled back to the USA to face the music! I can't understand why some people think that because so much time has gone by he should get a pass. I say no...hell no!

Anonymous said...

While I am all for justice being served, and think Polanski should get his, the system is flawed, including the focus of the press on this. Listen to the victim in this situation and you realize how messed up we are, punishing perps and victims alike with the focus we as a society give it. The victim is right, there are thousands of perps out there getting away with this and worse, and all we can do is give focus to the celebs, and hurt the victim all over again in the process. Its nuts.

Anonymous said...

So, Anonymous, what are you saying? Someone flees the jurisdiction - we just say 'nevermind'?

If child rape doesn't keep our attention - how about a 30 year old murder?

And as far as others getting away with it? We cant get them all, so lets pass on the ones we catch?