Friday, October 2, 2009

Global Bitch Slap

Well - in case you were wondering about the world's love of Obama - that has been answered. The world has spoken - and gave him a total bitch slap.

He (and Michelle) went to Denmark to pitch the International Olympic Committee on the idea of Chicago hosting the 2016 Olympics. Not only did Chicago get rejected - they were the FIRST ones rejected. Epic FAIL.

Why did this happen? My opinion? Well, he has spent the last 6 months going around the world apologizing for the United States. He has said we are too arrogant. He has said that we have been bad world citizen. He said we are selfish, that we consume too much, that we give back too little. He tried to tell the world to implement reforms that he could not even get done here.

He ignored the good we have done. Ignored the 10s of thousands of people that we have liberated. Ignored the billions we give in foreign aid. Ignored the relief efforts we spearheaded. Ignored the billion plus a year that we give to the UN.

Beyond that - Obama made the pitch in Copenhagen too much about HIM. He said he wanted to takes his wife and kids to the Olympics in his old home town. Michelle told some personal stories about her family history and tried to relate them to sports.

They did not make it about the greatness of America. Ignored the huge positive impact we have had in the world. Ignored American exceptionalism. He made it about HIM. He made it personal.

Net result - Global bitch slap. Apparently the world is NOT impressed with him.

I am sorry the US did not get the Olympics. I am more sorry the he exposed, even further, the weakness that he is portraying.

So, in addition to his trying to take over the economy, quadrupling our deficit, taking over health care, running the banks, taking over the car companies, dictating executive compensation, weakening our defenses, apologizing for us all over the globe, standing idly by while North Korea nukes us, standing idly by while Iran nukes up, stalling on General McCrystal's request for more troops in Afghanistan, screwing Poland and the Czech Republic over their missile defense ... we can add to it screwing up the Olympics. It has been an awesome 9 months.

To be totally fair - Chicago may have been doomed no matter what. It has only been 12 years since the US hosted the Games. But - and this is a big but. Obama did this. He made the trip. He made it about HIM. HE put HIS reputation on the line. If Chicago had won, he would have been more than happy to take the credit. So, when it tanks...

The big losers here? The prestige of the United States. The city of Chicago. The UNIONS in Chicago. The UNIONS in Chicago. The UNIONS in Chicago. The UNIONS in Chicago. And lastly - The Messiah has egg on his face.

Oh yippee.... How is that change working out for you now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very well put Rob. I'm waiting for him to apologize to the city of Chicago for letting Chicago down. I'm disgusted by the amount of money that was wasted sending those two jets to Denmark. Although it was such a huge sacrafice on Michelle's part.