Friday, October 2, 2009

Senate Democrat: Health Care Bill is 'Gibberish'

This is truly disheartening. There is a Senator(D) on the Senate Finance Committee named Thomas Carper. I haven't used this term in quite a while - but, today, I feel compelled to do so. Carper is an ass-clown from Delaware. What, you might asked, makes him an ass-clown?

Well, in this report of an interview he said:

  • that he does not “expect” to read the actual legislative language of the committee’s health care bill
  • He said the bill would be 'confusing'
  • He call the language in the bill 'arcane,' 'confusing,' 'hard stuff to understand,' and 'incomprehensible.'
  • He likened it to Credit Card disclosure forms (mandated, as it turns out, by congress
  • Called the language 'gibberish'.
  • On a somewhat more positive note, he said he would "probably" read the "plain English version" of the bill as opposed to the actual text.

Ok - color me totally appalled!!

This is the situation. Someone, we don't know who, will draft the actual language of the bill. This language is too hard for Carper to understand. So, someone (don't know if it is the same someone who wrote the bill) will draft a 'plain English' version of the bill. So that Carper might understand it - since he will 'probably' read it! Are you freaking kidding me?

He is ON the committee writing the law. Who the hell is the actual 'someone' that is drafting the language? And, how do we know that the 'plain English' version actually reflects what the bill says?

Question 1: Why do we have a senator too dumb to understand the bills his committee produces?
Question 2: Who makes sure the 'plain English' version is accurate?
Question 3: How will he be able to make a case for the bill, or answer ANY questions about it, since he already admits he won't (can't) read it?
Question 4: Can we meet and talk to the person that actually drafted the language?
Question 5: Can we have 'that guy' as our Senator instead?

And people wonder why we don't trust government anymore????

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