Thursday, September 24, 2009

In case you are worried our schools are being used for INDOCRINATION - Yes, we can

Us wing-nut Conservatives have long been suspicious of what goes on in our Government funded, National Education Association (Teachers UNION) controlled public schools.

You see, the NEA supplies the largest number of delegates to the Democratic National convention every four years. The teachers are like lemmings when it comes to parroting Liberal dogma. They spend a LOT of time with your kids. Except, of course for the 180 days that they do not have to work.

Why are we concerned? Well, they have unfiltered access to our kids minds. They represent authority to the kids. Obviously, what the 'teacher said' carries a lot of weight. Further, as a parent, you have a very limited practical ability to know what they are being taught. Sure, you can see the published curiculum and text books. These, in a lot of cases, are enough of a horror. But, you can't hear what REALLY goes on. Well, not usually.

In the video below, you can see a glimpse. It is a tribute song to our Dear Leader. Notice the use of his middle name, Hussein! We were castigated for even mentioning it during the campaign. Apparently, if you set it to music, you are in the clear.

What I see is fit for a dictator-Not for a sitting President. And the Left wonders why the Home School movement is so big - and why we are clamoring for vouchers to allow us to take our tax money to pay for private school.

Just a question - with the time these kids are taking to practice this song of adulation to Dear Leader - will they still have time to learn 'critical thinking' skills. Oh, nevermind.

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