Saturday, May 30, 2009

As always - when you are a Democrat - It's different

Unless you have been living in a cave with Bin-Laden, you know that far-left Sonia Sotomayor was recently nominated to the Supreme Court by the far-left Messiah.

I personally strongly object to this nominee. Not so much that she is a leftist, though, of course this does not thrill me. Elections have consequences - this is one of them.

My objection has to do with her judicial philosophy. It can be summed up in one candid comment, caught on video:
The court of appeals is where policy is made

Now, we have always known this. When the Left cannot get their ideas implemented at the ballot box - they revert to the courts. The Right is always complaining about 'Judicial Activism'. By this they mean the court making policy from the bench - that has the full force of law. Their proper role is to simply judge whether a law is in line with what the Constitution actually says (as opposed to what one might wish it said).

Despite the fact that she WILL be confirmed, I shall make a couple of brief observations.

  • She said that a Latino woman, with her rich experience, would make better LEGAL decisions than a white man without those experiences! Can you imagine had a White man said a similar thing? How about 'White Men with their superior upbringing will make better decisions than a black raised in a housing project'? . So, the judge is a RACIST.

  • She is a member of the Hispanic group 'La Raza'. Their motto - 'For the Race (Hispanic) everything, outside the Race, nothing'. How does that strike you? Sounds like something from the KKK. So,she is STILL a racist.

  • Of the 6 opinions that she has written that have been reviewed by the Supreme Court - 5 have been overturned. Awesome. She is out of touch with the realities of modern juris prudence.

  • She dismissed, in ONE paragraph, the race discrimination suit by a group of fire-fighters from New Haven. The case is interesting because the fire-fighters are white. The city gave a promotion test - and not 'enough' minorities passed. So, the city CANCELLED the promotion. The lead plaintiff, Ricci, suffers from Dyslexia. It took tremendous effort for him to pass(he got the 6th highest score). But, in effect, the Judge said since Ricci was not black, it did not matter. Court watchers expect the current Court to concur with Ricci and re-instate the test and promotion.

  • This one is not her fault. All I heard the first few days after the announcement was 'rich life experience' and 'empathy from the bench'. Bull. The Dems did not care about Clarence Thomas' life experience. Nor did they care about that of Doris Rogers Brown. And since when is 'empathy' a qualification for being on the Supreme Court? The legislatures are where 'empathy' is expressed. The Supreme Court is to simply rule as to whether that 'empathy' violates the Constitution. So - she lacks rigor.

  • Even the Liberal legal analysist Jonathon Turley noted that Sotomayor does not have the intellectual firepower to sit on the Supreme Court. It appears she lacks intellectual heft (or gravitas).

Make no mistake - she will be confirmed. She is Hispanic, has female genitals, and is a Liberal. So the rest will not matter. This is simply an affirmative action nominee.

Folks - this is what you get when you elect a Leftist, Statist, Marxist for President. And as he said in a recent speech: 'You ain't seen nothing yet'. It will take a generation or more to undo the damage that this guy is visiting on us.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Just the same old liberal bias - what is funny for them is 'insensitive' for us

Ok - this is the story about two attempts at humor.

1) Wanda Sykes at the White House correspondents dinner. Now, Wanda can be funny, but not always. Try these on for size"

  • Indicating that Rush Limbaugh wanted the country to fail - just like Osama bin Laden (her words). To set the facts straight - Limbaugh said he wanted The Messiah to fail in his attempts to bring socialist policies to the US.

    Distortion or lie, your choice

  • She said he probably did it when he was strung out on Oxy.

    I thought the Left thinks all addiction is a disease. Not very PC of Wanda! (Just holding them to their own standards.)

  • She the said she hope Rush's kidneys would fail.

    And the left gets in SUCH a lather if someone on the Right were to say something as

What makes what Wanda said newsworthy? Well, The Messiah himself was there to hear it. And laughed right along with everyone else at every line. So much for 'lowering the partisanship' and 'healing our souls'. Right on there Barack.

2) In comparison, the golf announcer David Feherty wrote a column, which said in part:

"From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this though, despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Osama bin Laden, there's a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death."

And now, bowing to pressure, he is apologizing!!! BS. For what? For telling the God's honest truth? That there are legions of people in this country who have the same feeling - that Queen Nancy is a traitor. Notice the Mr. Feherty did NOT wish a bad fate on the Queen - he was simply pointing out the obvious TRUTH - there are people who dislike Ms. Pelosi's policy choices.

I for one am embarrassed for the people of California for electing that retard to office...again and again.

This all just proves once again (as if it were needed) - that 'when you are a Democrat, it is different'. It is different because you can say what you want, insult who you want, lie about who you want,...and wish death on who you want. You will get zero negative feedback from the 'watchdog' press - zero.

Things must be much worse out there that we conservatives even realize.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Something else you will not see on ABCCBSNBCNPRCNNMSNBC

Not to worry - we bring you updates the big boys are too afraid to touch. In this story, we read about one of the circumstances that makes us Pro-Gun and Pro-2nd Amendment.

Turns out two dirtbags broke into an apartment full of students. The assailants were masked and armed. Their apparent reason was robbery, rape, and probably murder.

Luckily - a heads up student retrieved a gun from his backpack and killed one of the assailants. He was probably prohibited from legally carrying in campus. So, hiding in the backpack was probably a more discreet idea. Wish more students would do this - only makes sense in this day and age. Oh - The second scumbag jumped out a window and escaped.

This brave student stopped the 'cycle of violence' - just like the Left is always squawking about. Of course, killing the guy that started the violence is probably not what they have in mind. Screw them then. If they want to get raped and murdered because they don't want to fight back against the 'misunderstood' bad guy --- Have at it.

For me and my house - we will defend our lives if needed.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A bit more on the cost cutting front

In a previous post, I was pointing out the scam that The Messiah was trying to pull by cutting 100 Million dollars out of a Three TRILLION dollar budget. As wonderful a job as I did trying to explain how ridiculous this was (and I did do a bang up job!) - The kid that made this video tops me easily. Kudos to him.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

ACORN in the news again - Will Obama ever care?

ACORN is in the news once again. It seems over the last months this has been the case numerous times. They are being indicted for voter registration fraud. And lest you think this is some vast right wing conspiracy, Even John Conyers, a DEMOCRAT is suggesting they be investigated. An interesting blog focused on ACORN abuses can be found here.

What is ACORN? They describe themselves as 'community organizers'. Remember, that was Obama's main experience prior to being in the Senate - a 'community organizer'. ACORN is a way-left organization that has come to prominence for their activities in Democrat funding voter registration efforts. They have been the target of various criminal probes in at least 11 states. Their alleged activities have centered around fraudulent voter registration drives. These are said to have resulted in tens of thousands of bogus voter registrations.

They also recently orchestrated 'spontaneous' protests to prevent police from evicting people from houses that they had illegally occupied after the owners were foreclosed on.

They also have ties to The Messiah, going back a decade or more.

Why does this matter? Well, they have been hired by the Obama White House to provide temporary workers to 'help' with the upcoming census! The whole census is already a mess. It is normally run by the Commerce Department. But, for reasons one can probably easily guess, The Messiah has put the control of the 2010 census in the hands of his Chief of Staff, Rahm (who said 'Never let a good crisis go to waste) Emanuel.

So, we have:

  • The census under direct control of the White House.
  • We have ACORN deeply involved in the census
  • A long history of The One's relationship with ACORN (or organizations directly affiliated with ACORN)
  • A multi-year, multi-state record of alleged corrupt activities by ACORN

What can we infer from this?

  • The Messiah is getting ready to try to sway the census
  • He is doing so by using an organization with a long history of corruption
  • This can well cause an illegal tilt in the head count
  • The census is used for determining the number of House seats a state gets, as well as the funding that goes to cities within a state.
  • We can expect a huge over-counting in areas that already lean Democratic.

Folks, this is corruption of a breath-taking scale. BHO is subverting one of the foundations of our system. He is utilizing a criminal organization to do so.

Where is the outrage? And - where the HELL is the PRESS. If a Republican tried this we would already be hearing about Articles of Impeachment being drawn up.

Is anyone awake out there anymore?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

We are correct - again

We often note the intellectual dishonesty of the Left. We accuse them of not being willing to debate ideas on an intellectual level. Once again, the evidence shows - we are right.

There is news about the ongoing attempt to make you believe that you are destroying the planet. And that only massive, expensive government intervention can help. And - this from no less a Liberal icon than the New York Times. Apparently a memo has gone out from some group called EcoAmerica. The gist of the memo: suggestions as to how to make you more likely to accept Environmental Socialism by changing the 'words' used to describe it. To wit:
  • Stop using the term 'global warming'. Apparently it puts people off.

    Now, it seems to me,the fact that the planet is cooling would also be a good reason. But, that was not mentioned in the memo.

  • Use the term “our deteriorating atmosphere.” (Of course, it is actually improving)
  • Also good is the all encompassing "climate change" - which, of course, means nothing. But it sounds so ominous.
  • Don't talk about carbon dioxide. (Hey - it's just another word for 'plant food'.)
  • Say "moving away from the dirty fuels of the past". (Hmm.. Nothing about the ultimate clean fuel - Nuclear.)
  • Don’t confuse people with cap and trade;
  • use terms like “cap and cash back” or “pollution reduction refund.”
  • “Another key finding: remember to speak in TALKING POINTS aspirational language about shared American ideals, like freedom, prosperity, independence and self-sufficiency while avoiding jargon and details about policy, science, economics or technology,”

    Trouble with those aspirational words: the Left has no idea what they actually mean. I mean - how does a Liberal think freedom, prosperity, and independence mesh with his idea of an ever-expanding Federal Government?

Folks, they are just trying to pull a fast one. They know that you care about POLLUTION. But they also know - that you know - that Carbon Dioxide is NOT pollution. And that global warming in BS....

So, they are simply going to try to trick you by changing the language that they use. Don't let them get away with it.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I ask again - why do people publish what the Celebritards say?

From his obviously stunted intellect, that very old celebritard, Tony Bennett uttered these gems about The One, The Messiah:

  • “I love everything he’s done and everything he’s doing,”
  • “give him all-out support for anything he wants to do.”

    When challenged to name something, even one thing, specific The Messiah has done - of course, as will most Liberals, Bennett could think of nothing of substance. So, he offered this vacuous praise:

  • “He has such a great way of communicating, and his thoughts and his philosophies are just astounding,” (Yah - astoundingly shallow)

    And because most Celebritards are 'citizens of the world' who don't think America is something special:

  • “I really hope that every citizen of the United States would imitate the rest of the world because they’re all for Obama,”
  • “Every other country adores what happened – in our great country – to have him as president.”

    Tony, we don't give a damned what other countries think of OUR presidents.

Tony is a very good singer. A political philosopher? Not so much. Now you could chalk this up to Tony's age (80+) - but that would be an insult to most 80+ers. No, his problem is he is a celebritard. He thinks we need to hear him just because he gets a microphone stuck in his face.

Tony (and Ms. Striesand, and Paris, Demi/Ashton, and Sean Penn...) - if you want to comment on the music or movie business - fine. Otherwise, please just shut-up and sing.

The real trouble for Conservatives

There is a lot of tooth gnashing and wailing on the Right of the political spectrum these days. And there should be. The republicans, the only viable home for conservatives, is in a shambles. There is a lot of talk about 'why' they are in such bad shape.

Some people blame the war, some try to blame torture, some the environment, abortion, etc. But, I don't think it is any of those. It is much more fundamental and ominous than that. I think Americans have tacitly accepted the bill of goods that the Democrats have been selling. That is: You will be better off if you let the government take care of you.

In this article, Peggy Noonan writes the following:
...perhaps most ominously, what appears to be a new national openness to a redefinition of the relationship between the government and the governed.

I must say, sadly, that I agree. Given the results of the last election, and the poll results recently, one is forced to conclude certain things about the way the majority of Americans think:

  • They don't see what is really that wrong with a huge federal government
  • They have no idea what the term 'states rights' means
  • They are 'ok' with the idea that 'someone' else should provide for them
  • They see nothing wrong with the Federal Government being a major stakeholder in American companies
  • They know nothing about, and care even less about, Constitutional limits on government
  • They have lost the spirit that made us great.
  • They won't mind being just like Europe.
  • They don't 'get' the fact that when you say 'the government' will pay for it - that means we ALL pay for it. We just don't get to decide how the money is spent

Is this a failing of the Republican party? No, not really. It is the result of 40 years of effort by the Left. The Left has infected

  • Education
  • Media
  • Law and Judges
  • Politics

And the Right let them.

  • Starting with Education - both college and below. The educational institutions in this country are swamps of liberal indoctrination. Political Correctness has replaced vigorous debate. And Tenure protects even High School teachers.

  • As we have written here before, the Media is completely in the tank for the Liberal idea. They used to, at least, try to give the impression of impartiality. They now don't even bother with that.

  • The judiciary in this country, by and large, has become intoxicated with its own power. They now simply insert their own judgements for those of the people. They then simply invent a 'right' to cover their tracks.

  • The politicians, of both parties, have raised pandering to an art form. They both promise this program and that benefit. Because of our own cravenness, coupled with our ignorance of our own history, we have accepted the proposition that government should give us these things.

My conclusion? I fear that we have turned a corner, crossed the Rubicon. Barring a miracle the Repubs can't retake the House in 2010. The cards are stacked against them gaining any seats in the Senate. So, The Messiah will have free reign to do what he wants until at least 2012. By then, the damage done would take a full generation to undo.

Of course, wanting to 'undo the damage' will be premised by two unlikely turning of tides

  • People realize that something is very, very wrong
  • They are able to ascertain the true cause.

Given the state of our education system - I find this HIGHLY unlikely.

My prognosis for the country? Well, it depends on your viewpoint.

For conservatives: pain. Long-term, gut wrenching, depressing pain at having to watch what is going to be happening. We will point it out, offer alternatives, and be ignored.

For Liberals: Joy. We can finally be Europe. You will be able to control more and more of peoples lives and treasure. You can continue to set rules and regulations. The reality of the damage you are doing to this great country, though, will never occur to you.

The rest of you: Confusion. You will probably recognize the creeping loss of freedom at some point. Maybe when grandma can't get that hip replacement because the 'guidelines' say she is 'outside the efficacious' group. Translation - she is too old and we can't afford it. You will rage against the 'system'. But, will you be able to identify the true culprit? And if so, will it matter? The answers are in front of you now - but you have missed them.

So, in the meantime - enjoy your family and friends. And hold on tight - because we are headed for a bumpy ride.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Looking for ANYONE that believes this

We have started the debate on the so-called Cap and Trade plan. This plan is nothing more than a way for the Dems to levy a huge tax on each one of us - while claiming that they are fighting the (non-existent) problem of Carbon Dioxide (plant food) in the atmosphere.

The Republicans claim it will cost upwards of $3,000 per family per year in increased prices due to the huge impact this legislation will have on the cost of energy. Now, I have no idea if that figure is correct or not.

The Democrats, as expected, dispute the figure. They quote a price 1/10 what the Republicans are saying. If we say the real number is the average of the two - that is still over $1,500 per year - to solve an non-existent problem.

But, I want to point out a particular point that glared out to me in the Dems explanation regarding the price:
...that Republicans are not taking into account the point that the federal government plans to return to the American people part of the money paid by corporations for the right to release carbon into the atmosphere -- and that the government also plans to provide Americans with goods and services funded by the cap-and-trade program.

I am looking for anyone in the country who believes:

  • the federal government plans to return to the American people part of the money. If you do believe it, please leave a comment. I would like to know what kind of feel good drugs that you take.

    or who WANTS:

  • the government also plans to provide Americans with goods and services funded by the cap-and-trade program

I don't believe the first statement. There is ZERO chance of any money that makes it to Washington ever getting returned. And if you plan on returning it anyway - don't bother taking it in the first place.

And the government going to provide us with goods and services? What the hell part of the Constitution do have have to read to get THAT?

This whole Cap and Trade is just a BIG FAT TAX. Do not believe otherwise for even a second...