Tuesday, May 5, 2009

ACORN in the news again - Will Obama ever care?

ACORN is in the news once again. It seems over the last months this has been the case numerous times. They are being indicted for voter registration fraud. And lest you think this is some vast right wing conspiracy, Even John Conyers, a DEMOCRAT is suggesting they be investigated. An interesting blog focused on ACORN abuses can be found here.

What is ACORN? They describe themselves as 'community organizers'. Remember, that was Obama's main experience prior to being in the Senate - a 'community organizer'. ACORN is a way-left organization that has come to prominence for their activities in Democrat funding voter registration efforts. They have been the target of various criminal probes in at least 11 states. Their alleged activities have centered around fraudulent voter registration drives. These are said to have resulted in tens of thousands of bogus voter registrations.

They also recently orchestrated 'spontaneous' protests to prevent police from evicting people from houses that they had illegally occupied after the owners were foreclosed on.

They also have ties to The Messiah, going back a decade or more.

Why does this matter? Well, they have been hired by the Obama White House to provide temporary workers to 'help' with the upcoming census! The whole census is already a mess. It is normally run by the Commerce Department. But, for reasons one can probably easily guess, The Messiah has put the control of the 2010 census in the hands of his Chief of Staff, Rahm (who said 'Never let a good crisis go to waste) Emanuel.

So, we have:

  • The census under direct control of the White House.
  • We have ACORN deeply involved in the census
  • A long history of The One's relationship with ACORN (or organizations directly affiliated with ACORN)
  • A multi-year, multi-state record of alleged corrupt activities by ACORN

What can we infer from this?

  • The Messiah is getting ready to try to sway the census
  • He is doing so by using an organization with a long history of corruption
  • This can well cause an illegal tilt in the head count
  • The census is used for determining the number of House seats a state gets, as well as the funding that goes to cities within a state.
  • We can expect a huge over-counting in areas that already lean Democratic.

Folks, this is corruption of a breath-taking scale. BHO is subverting one of the foundations of our system. He is utilizing a criminal organization to do so.

Where is the outrage? And - where the HELL is the PRESS. If a Republican tried this we would already be hearing about Articles of Impeachment being drawn up.

Is anyone awake out there anymore?

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