Friday, May 1, 2009

Looking for ANYONE that believes this

We have started the debate on the so-called Cap and Trade plan. This plan is nothing more than a way for the Dems to levy a huge tax on each one of us - while claiming that they are fighting the (non-existent) problem of Carbon Dioxide (plant food) in the atmosphere.

The Republicans claim it will cost upwards of $3,000 per family per year in increased prices due to the huge impact this legislation will have on the cost of energy. Now, I have no idea if that figure is correct or not.

The Democrats, as expected, dispute the figure. They quote a price 1/10 what the Republicans are saying. If we say the real number is the average of the two - that is still over $1,500 per year - to solve an non-existent problem.

But, I want to point out a particular point that glared out to me in the Dems explanation regarding the price:
...that Republicans are not taking into account the point that the federal government plans to return to the American people part of the money paid by corporations for the right to release carbon into the atmosphere -- and that the government also plans to provide Americans with goods and services funded by the cap-and-trade program.

I am looking for anyone in the country who believes:

  • the federal government plans to return to the American people part of the money. If you do believe it, please leave a comment. I would like to know what kind of feel good drugs that you take.

    or who WANTS:

  • the government also plans to provide Americans with goods and services funded by the cap-and-trade program

I don't believe the first statement. There is ZERO chance of any money that makes it to Washington ever getting returned. And if you plan on returning it anyway - don't bother taking it in the first place.

And the government going to provide us with goods and services? What the hell part of the Constitution do have have to read to get THAT?

This whole Cap and Trade is just a BIG FAT TAX. Do not believe otherwise for even a second...

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