Friday, April 24, 2009

Deception on the Climate Front

Congress is in the progress of holding 'hearings' on the so-called 'cap and trade'. This is a disaster in the making. What is cap and trade you may ask. It is the concept that the Govt will CAP how much CO2 you can produce. Then, if you need to produce more (which you certainly will), you 'trade' for that right. What, exactly, does this mean? Trade is code for 'going to cost you lots of money'.

  • The people working for the EPA will certainly set a businesses 'cap' way below the level by which a business could survive. This will be by design - because they WANT businesses punished - it is tax revenue.
  • The 'trade' part is just another name for a TAX for the 'right' to burn fossil fuels
  • Power plants will be hardest hit. Their business is burning fossil fuels as a way producing electricity for YOU!
  • This TAX will be passed on directly to YOU.
  • This whole BS is NOT about 'pollution'. It is about CO2, so-called greenhouse gases. This is supposed to be fight man-made 'global warming'. There is no such thing as man-made global warming-period. It is about the not happening. Any global warming is due to the SUN. Anyone who tells you differently has gulped the enviro-wacko koolaid.

So, now we have set the stage. Now this is the deception:

  • There are congressional hearings going on. The High Priest of Global warming, AlGore was invited to testify.
  • A Global Warming Skeptic was NOT allowed testify. So much for the free flow of ideas
  • Henry Waxman, in this video actually tries to make the case that the bill in front of congress is designed to 'contain' energy costs! Ok - right. LIAR. Henry is a detestable little man - and he is a global warming ZEALOT. Trying to actually hold down energy costs is NOT in his DNA.
  • We did get the truth for John Dingell in this video. Now, John is a DEMOCRAT. He is a congressman from Michigan. He has the interests of the auto makers at heart. He states the obvious: Cap and Trade is a HUGE TAX.

The impression that this leaves?

  • When they can - the Democratic leaders will control the message. They will exclude dissenting voices.
  • When they cannot muzzle their own members - they will punish them. Dingell already lost a powerful chairmenship over this issue
  • They will outright LIE to your face.
  • They continue to hope that you are stupid - and not paying attention.

Time to wake up folks. You need to mobilize and reach your congress critter. Let them know you thing Global Warming is a HOAX. And that you don't want your taxes raised by the cap and trade scheme.

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