Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Messiah stumbles and bumbles once again

The Messiah is letting his complete lack of depth show through - as well as that of his advisers. The subject this time: so-called 'torture'.

Now, we are talking about 'waterboading'. This, in the view of most people, is NOT torture. It involves making a suspect 'think' they are drowning - but they are not really drowning. It is terrifying, yes. Does it leave permanent damage, NO.

But, no matter. On the campaign trail BHO was adamant that is WAS torture. He said it was both wrong and 'ineffective'. He promised to prosecute those that practiced it.

Now, as he has actual facts about the procedure, and the results? Well, he is stumbling all over himself. As this article clearly points out.

Waterboarding was shown to be VERY effective against one of the 9-11 planners. It got information that was used to prevent a subsequent attack. Sometimes when this administration talks about it they acknowledge that fact - other times they manage to leave it out.

At one point, The One said they would not prosecute those that approved these techniques. The next day we are told that the Justice Department could 'make up it's own mind'.

He is saying different things to appease different groups. The hard left Anti-War, Anti-American crowd wants Bush and Cheney in handcuffs for this so-called torture. Most Americans, when hearing what waterboarding ACTUALLY is - and the results it generated - do not object to its use. They certainly don't want ex-presidents prosecuted for keeping us safe. Neither, I think, does The Messiah. It is bad form to prosecute your predecessor over a policy dispute. Because someday you will be out of office and you would not like the same thing done to you.

What does this point out? I think it shows:

  • A lack of a true understanding of the war on terror
  • A lack of grasp of what we are facing - and what we must do to combat it
  • A lack of a true moral center - they are more worried about the politics of this than they are about American security.
  • A lack of maturity. It is basically say whatever you have to to whatever group you happen to be talking to
  • A lack of understanding about how serious the words of the President are taken.
  • A lack of mature adults in the White House - both Obama and his staff

Folks - there are people out there that want you dead. They think nothing of blowing you up, cutting your head off, or killing your children. If we have to simulate drowning a few of them in order to put a stop to it --- go for it.

The folks that are trying to kill us will not hate us less because we are a little 'nicer' to them. That is just plain naive and stupid. Just like the folks surrounding the current occupant of the White House.

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