Friday, April 24, 2009

Idiots on Parade

I have thought of making this a weekly feature - but I am just afraid the same people will show up in the list. This weeks contestants:

  • Nancy Pelosi (I know - having her here is redundant on its face-sorry) for saying she was never briefed on 'enhanced' interrogation methods (i.e. Water Boarding). Lots of people who got briefed with her said she was there. But, due to security concerns, the briefing will not be discussed by the briefers. So, officially, her deception stands. She is an idiot for thinking we believe her.
  • Barney Frank for saying people should have freedom to smoke dope, gamble on the Internet, but not in their personal financial dealings. If only Mr. Fwank was speaking of illegal financial activities. He was not. He was speaking of financial transactions that might negatively impact others. Oh my - how very concerned he must be. Had he only been so concerned BEFORE he helped cause the credit market meltdown in the first place.
  • Anyone who attended the so-called Racism Summit - AKA Durbin II. Supposedly this conference is about ending racism and enhancing civil rights. Let's look at some of the attendees: Libya (Chairman), Iran, South Africa, Algeria,and Saudi Arabia. Really?

    The main goal of the conference is to bash Israel as it relates to ... well, anything. The stated whipping boy is the Palestinian 'question'. But, as will nearly all UN sponsored activities - it will be all Anti-Israel all the time.
  • AlGore for .. .well ... for being Al Gore-that is ALWAYS reason enough. However, today he spoke in favor of huge taxes to combat the non-existent problem of man-made global warming. Then he called for unity on the climate - ok. Hey Al, let me get back to you on that, ok big-guy?
  • Janet Napolitano for opening her mouth after not controlling her agency.

    First Homeland security issued a report impugning: Veterans, Anti-abortion folks, people who think the Federal Government is too big, gun owners. Also, if you resist the role of the Fed - it is because you are pissed that a black man is president.

    Then she said the 9/11 hijackers came in through Canada. And that the Canadian border was as big a problem as the Mexican Border.

    Then she said ILLEGAL Immigration is not a crime - it is a civil infraction!. I guess I am unclear about the meaning of the term 'illegal'.
  • Sean Penn for saying Hugo Chavez is a 'warm' and 'friendly' man. Was that before he nationalized most of the industry in Venezuela and jailed his opponents?

    Penn also said that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity hate the principles upon which the US was founded... Really? So Penn is down meeting with one of our enemies while making this brilliant observation? Remind me to boycott THIS idiots films.

  • Jeanane Garofalo. According to her Republicans and hate groups have a bigger limbic brain and it pushes against the frontal lobes and makes them all racists, haters and apparently dissenters. Also, that the recent Tea Parties were 'Racism, straight up'.

  • Keith Olberman for agreeing with the idiot above.

  • The heads of Bolivia, Cuba, Dominica, Honduras, Nicaragua and Venezuela. They published in a declaration after the 5th summit of the 'Americas' (Not though, the United States of) that
    Capitalism is leading humanity and the planet to extinction... and... threatens life on the planet
    Excuse gentlemen, exactly how many Americans (the U.S kind) are busy fleeing from here to whatever hell hole you harken from? hmmm? Oh - zero. Thanks.

Hey, that was kind of fun... in a sad kind of way. And trust me folks, I could keep going, but I grow bored! Keep up the fight....

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