Saturday, May 2, 2009

The real trouble for Conservatives

There is a lot of tooth gnashing and wailing on the Right of the political spectrum these days. And there should be. The republicans, the only viable home for conservatives, is in a shambles. There is a lot of talk about 'why' they are in such bad shape.

Some people blame the war, some try to blame torture, some the environment, abortion, etc. But, I don't think it is any of those. It is much more fundamental and ominous than that. I think Americans have tacitly accepted the bill of goods that the Democrats have been selling. That is: You will be better off if you let the government take care of you.

In this article, Peggy Noonan writes the following:
...perhaps most ominously, what appears to be a new national openness to a redefinition of the relationship between the government and the governed.

I must say, sadly, that I agree. Given the results of the last election, and the poll results recently, one is forced to conclude certain things about the way the majority of Americans think:

  • They don't see what is really that wrong with a huge federal government
  • They have no idea what the term 'states rights' means
  • They are 'ok' with the idea that 'someone' else should provide for them
  • They see nothing wrong with the Federal Government being a major stakeholder in American companies
  • They know nothing about, and care even less about, Constitutional limits on government
  • They have lost the spirit that made us great.
  • They won't mind being just like Europe.
  • They don't 'get' the fact that when you say 'the government' will pay for it - that means we ALL pay for it. We just don't get to decide how the money is spent

Is this a failing of the Republican party? No, not really. It is the result of 40 years of effort by the Left. The Left has infected

  • Education
  • Media
  • Law and Judges
  • Politics

And the Right let them.

  • Starting with Education - both college and below. The educational institutions in this country are swamps of liberal indoctrination. Political Correctness has replaced vigorous debate. And Tenure protects even High School teachers.

  • As we have written here before, the Media is completely in the tank for the Liberal idea. They used to, at least, try to give the impression of impartiality. They now don't even bother with that.

  • The judiciary in this country, by and large, has become intoxicated with its own power. They now simply insert their own judgements for those of the people. They then simply invent a 'right' to cover their tracks.

  • The politicians, of both parties, have raised pandering to an art form. They both promise this program and that benefit. Because of our own cravenness, coupled with our ignorance of our own history, we have accepted the proposition that government should give us these things.

My conclusion? I fear that we have turned a corner, crossed the Rubicon. Barring a miracle the Repubs can't retake the House in 2010. The cards are stacked against them gaining any seats in the Senate. So, The Messiah will have free reign to do what he wants until at least 2012. By then, the damage done would take a full generation to undo.

Of course, wanting to 'undo the damage' will be premised by two unlikely turning of tides

  • People realize that something is very, very wrong
  • They are able to ascertain the true cause.

Given the state of our education system - I find this HIGHLY unlikely.

My prognosis for the country? Well, it depends on your viewpoint.

For conservatives: pain. Long-term, gut wrenching, depressing pain at having to watch what is going to be happening. We will point it out, offer alternatives, and be ignored.

For Liberals: Joy. We can finally be Europe. You will be able to control more and more of peoples lives and treasure. You can continue to set rules and regulations. The reality of the damage you are doing to this great country, though, will never occur to you.

The rest of you: Confusion. You will probably recognize the creeping loss of freedom at some point. Maybe when grandma can't get that hip replacement because the 'guidelines' say she is 'outside the efficacious' group. Translation - she is too old and we can't afford it. You will rage against the 'system'. But, will you be able to identify the true culprit? And if so, will it matter? The answers are in front of you now - but you have missed them.

So, in the meantime - enjoy your family and friends. And hold on tight - because we are headed for a bumpy ride.

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