Monday, December 8, 2008

Why doesn't this make me feel better?

In the news, reported here and here today, The Messiah said:
  • "I believe in common sense gun safety law, and I believe in the second amendment"
  • "And so, lawful gun owners have nothing to fear."

Now, I suppose that SOUNDS reasonable. However. What, exactly, does the term 'lawful gun owner' really mean?

Does it mean lawful owners of guns that are lawful TODAY?

Or, does it mean lawful owners of guns that are STILL lawful after the Assault Weapons Ban is re-instituted.

Because you see, ladies and germs, that which is legal today - can easily be made illegal tomorrow. And when the gun that you legally owned yesterday is outlawed - you are no longer a 'law-abiding' citizen. Unless, of course, you turn in said 'up until recently legal' firearm.

I hope I am wrong about The Messiah. But, until such time as that ass-monkey Eric Holder PROVES he will not do the whole anti-gun thing, I will reserve judgement.

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