Friday, November 21, 2008

Getting time to lock and load?

Well - it starts on yet another front. The liberty getting ready to collapse under our Dear Leader: The Right to Keep and Bear Arms. This prediction is coming from Dear Leaders nomination of Eric Holder as Attorney General. This is just another in a string of disasters: Henry Rivera as FCC Commissioner, poised to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine; Robert Kennedy Jr. being considered to head the EPA; Henry 'I never met an investigation I did not like' Waxman to head the Energy and Commerce Committee in the House (not actually an appointment of the Messiah - but done with his encouragement); and Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State (won't those people, the Clintons, EVER leave?).

Holder, just like BHO, has been openly hostile to the RKBA (Right to Keep and Bear Arms) for a long time.

Both supported the DC handgun ban. Also, during his time in the Illinois State Senate, BHO voted against a bill (S.B. 2165 (IL 2004)) that was designed to protect citizens who rightfully defended themselves from unjust gun possession charges.

Earlier this year, Holder filed an amicus brief in the Heller decision. Holder argued:

  • For the total ban on handguns in DC
  • Against the right of self defense using a firearm
  • The the RKBA is a collective, not an individual right

Now, Heller was decided AGAINST Holder's position, but as AG, you can bet he will argue for its reversal at the first opportunity.

Holder testified in favor of the failed so-called 'Assault Weapons Ban' in 1999. In a sad meeting of the minds, at a 2007 meeting of the so-called Violence Policy Center, The Messiah said:
    "My first priority will be to reinstate the assault weapons ban as soon as I take office."

In the past, Holder has:

  • Advocated federal licensing of handgun owners
  • A three day waiting period on handgun sales
  • Supported rationing handgun sales to no more than one per month
  • Called for a gun show restriction bill that would have given the federal government the power to shut down all gun shows
  • Called for National gun registration
  • Called for Mandatory prison sentences for trivial offenses
  • Called for the ATF to have, and keep, a record of every firearm sale.

So, if you have any interest in the Second Amendment, this is one scary dude. Tyrants of various stripes in the past have started the suppression of the populace by disarming them. One must hope this is not the case here. But, I do not endorse hope as a strategy. So, I must take a break from blogging for a bit. I will be taking inventory of my bullets, and replenishing as needed.

Oh yah, In the words of that great Seger-o Spiritual

    Time to Lock and Load
    Time to get control
    Time to search the soul
    And start again

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