Thursday, November 20, 2008

A bit of a funk

I have been in a bit of a funk since the election win by BHO (aka Dear Leader). I wonder if I need medication? Well, besides the Whiskey I have been consuming.

I have been burdened for years by not having a 'diagnosis' I can call my own. In my sphere of folks close to me, I see depression, bi-polar, ADD/ADHD, borderline personality, and a good does of narcissism.

But what about ME? The closest I have come was actually suggested by Rush. It is known as DADS. That is Disorder Anxiety Disorder Syndrome. It is basically an anxiety disorder brought on by not having a disorder. It really sucks. There is no one you can talk to, except other sufferers of DADS. Because, everyone with a 'real' disorder is always telling you how lucky you are!! Yah, like that helps.

So, I have decided to appeal to whatever medical board will listen. I think they should official recognize 'PETS'. That is Post Election Trauma Syndrome.

The symptoms?
  • Sadness that America is so lost that it actually elected BHO, aka The One, The Messiah, Dear Leader.
  • Increased consumption of adult beverages at even the thought of politics
  • Decreased, though temporary, interest in Blogging
  • Avoidance of the news media, even more than normal, for fear of seeing yet another Clinton era re-tread getting appointed to a Cabinet post
  • Irrational (well, maybe not) sense of foreboding as one sees the new administration taking shape.
  • Irrational (well, probably not) fear of the loss of talk radio to the tyranny of the fairness doctrine.

I hope this PETS thing only lasts 2 years - at which time, I hope, sanity returns and we get a Republican majority back in Congress. In the meantime, I guess I will continue to self-medicate with Jamesons.

PETS sufferers of the World Unite!!!

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