Sunday, December 28, 2008

British paper gets it - American papers follow soon?

In an article, the British paper the Telegraph made some observations about Man-Made global warming. Basically, they report that 2008 was the year that the so-called global warming consensus finally crumbled. At a minimum, the scientific 'consensus' has crumbled. Now, consensus is not how one should do science anyway. It should be done by observation and experiment. Observing the total lack of global warming in the last 10 years, one is hard pressed to continue the hoax. Unless, of course, it has become basically a religious doctrine.

For a good swath of the public (the sheeple), global warming is a de facto religion. I have heard its followers called 'Gorists'. Worry and angst supplement faith. Al Gore is the high priest. Our children are proselytized at government expense. Recycling, carpooling, and buying a Prius are among its sacraments. Buying expensive 'green' products and falling for 'green' investments are its tithe.

These people, not valuing intellectual honesty that a self-respecting scientist does, will be harder to de-program away from global warming hysteria. But, we will continue to do our small part.

As I have said before, global warming is not happening. The earth is cooling. One reason, slight reduction in solar activity. Solar activity is one of the main drivers in our climate - it is like the furnace in your house. Lack of sunspots is an indication. You can read up on sunspots and their importance here, or just Google sunspots.

I know, it is a blow to our collective ego that we are not the end all and be all of what happens on our planet. But, suck it up, that is just the case.

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