Sunday, December 28, 2008

MoveOn moves on - Let's see what they do as insiders

Politico had an article detailing the agenda items that MoveOn will focus on in the coming months. MoveOn has been focused for the last however many years in hating on Bush and all things he touched. It was an easy job. They fed off of Bush Derangement Syndrome. Also, no one held them to account when they were wrong (which was a LOT). They could sit around and bitch with no consequence for being oh so wrong.

Now, they find themselves aligned with the rulers. This should prove to be a much tougher task because, as the ruling party, you are expected to deliver. What about the agenda items for MoveOn? They are

  • Economic recovery and job creation
  • Creating a Green economy
  • Stopping climate change
  • Ending the war in Iraq

Not included: War Crimes trials for Bush and Cheney. MoveOn must have finally opened their mail and got the memo from The Messiah to quit talking about war-crimes trials.

Let's examine their agenda items in order.

Economic recovery and job creation

While this is a nice sounding goal, the role of the government should be the topic of much debate. Conservatives will argue that the Free Market (what is left of it) should be allowed to fix what is broken. It was government intrusion into the markets that put us in the credit-based mess that we are in. Having the government intervene in any major way is simply likely to drag the current problem out. As we start to read the postmortem analysis in the MSM, it is clear we are headed for more trouble. The liberals that the country just elected will NOT see the wisdom in getting out of the way.

Creating a green economy

This is a meaningless concept. Again, what is the role of government here? I assume it will mean subsidizing companies, industries, and individuals that the the government thinks are doing God's work in terms of 'green-ness'. But they forget about the real goal - you need to make economically viable products and companies to be able to sustain these industries absent government money. I do not trust the government to be able to pick winners and losers. I do, however, trust them to steer pork-barrel dollars to favored constituents in return for political contributions; to punish industries that they do not like; and to make decisions devoid of any economic realities.

Stopping climate change

This is the very definition of a fools errand. As I have written several times before, man is not the cause of climate change. Anyone who spends even 5 minutes trying to stop it is wasting their time. Now, this is different than not dumping toxins in the air and water. I speak specifically here of the obsession with so-called green house gases. CO2 does not cause warming. It is most likely a bi-product of the warming. Otherwise, it is just a meaningless, tiny fraction, of the atmosphere.

Ending the war in Iraq

This is a good goal. Luckily for the incoming administration, most of the heavy lifting has already likely been accomplished. There is great military and political progress in Iraq (you will have to look further than the broadcast evening news or the pathetic New York Times to find it). The government is forming and former enemies are beginning to work together. Is it done? No, not yet. But if The Messiah is smart, he will ignore the pleas of the MoveOn types and just continue the course set by Bush. And given his announced picks, such as keeping Gates, it appears that he is doing just that.

So, in conclusion. MoveOn's agenda: Wrong solution for one, meaningless for the next, foolish for the third, and irrelevent for the last.

Quite impressive.

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