Sunday, October 19, 2008

Joe the Plumber - the Liberals don't get it

The liberals don't get it. I have been reading about the 'backlash' against 'Joe the plumber'. The libs are pointing out:

- Joe owes back taxes (Maybe they are too high?)
- He is not licensed (he actually works under his boss's license - which is legal)
- He may not actually buy the plumbing business (the owner has not agreed to sell)

The Libs are giddy about this. In there view, Their 'opposition' research paid off. They have, again, tried to destroy their 'opponent' (did you know that Todd Palin got a DUI 20 years ago. If you did, thank 'opposition research').

I have read things like 'Joes head on a pike', 'Joe the plumber backlash', 'Joe's three strikes'.

Well, you can file this under 'wishful thinking'.

The Libs may think the details about Joe are important - but they are wrong. The only thing about Joe is that got BHO to say 'Spread the wealth around' and Joe called him a Socialist.My friends, no one really cares about Joe. It is Joe's question of BHO that struck a nerve. People instinctively 'got it' when BHO uttered his socialist remark. They 'get' redistribution - and the DON'T like it. When you call it 'fairness' or 'investment' or some other moniker - they may fall for it. But when you put the word 'redistribution' or 'socialist' to it - they recoil. And, it is sticking. That is why the effort to destroy Joe instead of 'clarifying' BHO's answer to his question.

Now, finally, McCain is calling BHO a Socialist. Finally - at long last. I suspect Sarah has pushed him into this - good on her. Result of the last week of events?

The polls are now within the margin of error, as I predicted Click. Behind this, as Ann points out is that 16% say they lie to pollsters, which is big when the spread is 3%. She also has a great analysis of the Democrat tilted advantage in the polls in EVERY election since 1976. I believe (despite the pundits attempts to minimize it) that the Bradley effect is still alive - which would tend to inflate both the 16% and the Democrat tilt in the polls when compared to actual ELECTIONS). You gotta know that the DNC has internal polling that is scaring the hell out of them. They know if they are not up 10 points now - they have not closed the deal.

They can talk about transition teams and election night celebrations in public. Chicken, meet hatching egg.

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