Monday, August 29, 2011

Shocking Globull Warming News...well, not really

Warning - this post contains 'Climate Denial' - if it will offend your sensibilities, you have been warned.

As we posted here, we deny man-made global warming. Warming may (or may not) be happening, but it is hubris to think we are doing it.

In an interesting article, 15 year old research into cosmic rays and the sun as the real culprits in global warming is finally coming to light. Apparently, back in 1996, scientists from CERN (an actual science outfit) tried to publish research tagging cosmic rays and the sun as the real culprits in whatever global warming might be occurring.

Immediately there after, the scientists were under full scale assault by those that did not want their theories aired. It was not a scientific dispute, it was political. To quote the article, the scientists "soon found themselves vilified, marginalized and starved of funding, despite their impeccable scientific credentials.

Now, in 2011, the research has finally been published in the prestigeous journal NATURE. The theory put forward "has been Enemy No. 1 of the global warming establishment ever since it was first proposed" precisely because it undercuts the fundamental tenet of the Church of Global Warming - the man is responsible for it.

And if man is responsible, then we can use this 'fact' to justify huge governmental intrusions into all areas of economic activity. When shown to be false, the premise for this governmental interference likewise evaporates.

There is more to come on this story, but you will have to look hard to find it (or just check back here once in a while) because you are sure not to see it on ABCCBSNBCMSNBCCNN or NPR). Especially since the High Priest of the Church of Global Warming (AlGore) said climate 'deniers' are today's racists. Further, he claimed that 'denier' scientists held their views to get more funding, but climate alarmist scientists would do no such thing.

Let us not overlook the fact that AlGore is making millions and millions selling 'carbon offsets' to those gullible enough to buy them.

Folks, the stakes here are huge. Do not be cowed into being silent about something just because people call you names. Oh - and have a look at the chart below. Seems a lot of climate variation happened before I even owned my first SUV.

1 comment:

Priscilla said...

When bad weather happens, they call it climate.....when good weather happens, it's just weather