Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Teleprompter missing in action

Well - He did it AGAIN. B. Hussein is, one must admit, is a very eloquent speaker when he is delivering prepared remarks. However, when he is delivery ad lib remarks, he makes G.W. Bush sound darned right polished.

The latest example

are you kidding me?

Look - he was trying defend the Health Care System Takeover proposals from criticism. Specifically the idea of a 'public option' - where the government 'insurance' would 'compete' with private insurance. The charge (which is true btw) is that the government program would squeeze the private plans - because the gov't option would not be on a level playing field. It would be taxpayer subsidized and would not need to operate as a real business.

So, he trots out the example of Fedex competing with the Post Office as an example of private business vs government competition.

Are you kidding me? No matter what he was 'trying' to say - what he DID say was that the Post Office is basically broken. Compared to Fedex, it has all kinds of problems. We all know this.

But...but...but wait. Wait .... please wait.. Mr. President, Isn't the Post Office is run by the same baffoons (the Fed) that you want us to turn over our health care to?? They are bloated, have high labor costs, and are always having to raise prices on stamps, and they STILL run a deficit. The Post Office would be extinct except for their legal monopoly on First Class mail.

So - in trying to prove one point --- he clumsily reinforces one of OUR big points -- the Fed sucks at running anything that ever remotely looks like a business. We certainly do NOT want them in charge of 17% of the economy if it is going to run like the freaking Post Office.

Sir - stick to the lofty, vapid rhetoric of the tele-prompter. Cuz you suck at off the cuff speaking....I mean you really do suck.


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