Monday, August 10, 2009

He awaketh to blog once again

Ok - enough complaining from my 'non-blogging' followers out there. This is tougher than it seems - especially as horrifying as B. Hussein Obama has turned out to be. Well - he is just as I expected he would be - but I am still horrified.

But - today we shall celebrate some GOOD news - Immigration Reform, according to our Dear Leader, is off the table until next year!! Good.

And since next year is an election year - I surmise this means he has given up on 'reform' until after the mid-terms. There is a reason for this. Immigration Reform is really only a method to get millions of illegal, illiterate Mexicans U.S. citizenship. Then - they become Democrat voters. The Messiah only cares about these folks being able to vote in the 2012 election. So, he is in no rush.

While on his trip to El Mexico, the Messiah said he "doesn't expect to be able to snap his fingers and change the politically charged immigration system." WHAT??? Why the hell NOT? He thinks he can reform the car companies, the banking system, global warming, and health care. What is one more 'reform'? Slacker!

Also, he said he "expects a fight" regardless of his standing in the polls and declares that he is ready for a fight. Oh, no sh*t Sherlock. It will be a Health Care Town Hall meeting redux.

He says, however, that changing the immigration system is going to have to wait until next year while he focuses on other priorities. Yah - like trying to figure out how to pull his poll ratings out of the self-inflicted nose dive that they are in.

Also, in a flash of brilliance he said "the system is broken and nobody can deny it." Finally something coherent. But we know something he does not...I know how to fix it ... pick me ... pick me ... BUILD A FENCE.

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