Sunday, April 5, 2009

What a fine mess

I have been watching the Messiah's reign unfold the last few weeks. Picking topics to write about has stressed me out. There is SO much wrong - but others are writing about it - and I hate being a 'me too' talking head.

But, my Spartans are in the finals tomorrow. And, thanks to my most excellent daughter - I have a primo ticket for the event.

I will take this momentary break in the 'fog of war' to just jot down some thoughts. Most are sobering - hopefully not all.

First - the embarrassing way the Messiah has acted on the world stage

  • He gave the Prime Minister of England a boxed set of movie DVDs as his introductory gift. Something you could buy at Walmart for 50 bucks.
  • He made a major breach in protocol surrounding the PMs visit. This indicates a disdain both for tradition, and for the Brits
  • He bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia! An American should bow to NO ONE. And that is exponentially true for POTUS. How demeaning!!
  • He was shown up by the Euro-weenies at the G20 summit. Being all apologetic and shit like that! STOP IT!!!
  • The little Dog Eater in North Korea launched his rocket. We let him. Lame. Then we issue a 'statement' of condemnation! Awesome.
  • In Prague he calls for a 'world without Nuclear weapons'. Then he says he is not naive!!! Folks, that is the definition of Naive. We have the North Koreans and the Iranians wanting to build them. He can't even use his influence to stop them. How in the hell does he expect everyone to give up their existing weapons? This is complete BS on a grand scale. It makes him look silly. The world is laughing at him... Nice. In this regard - he is nearly Biblical
    "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: ..." ‑ 1 Corinthians 13:11

We need a man in the office of President - Not a man-child.

Also, recently, The Messiah has been demonstrating his mastery in the field of automotive manufacturing!

  • He forced the CEO of GM, an American corporation, to resign. This is Banana Republic stuff. GM should be allowed an orderly bankruptcy. The government should have stayed out of it.
  • The Messiah's team also told GM and Chrysler that they had to stop being NASCAR sponsors. I am not a NASCAR fan - but, what the hell?
  • The One's team also said they want control over the salaries of a whole range of employees in the bailed out companies. This is yet another reason why the bailouts were such a bad idea. Now, the Feds want their tentacles in every orifice of these companies.
  • He has stated what kind of cars these companies must produce. Forget about supply and demand folks - this is 'command economy' stuff. Ask the former Soviet Union how that worked out for them.

On energy - Team B. Hussein Obama put another 2 million acres of land off-limits for domestic oil production. I would like an explanation as to how limiting our own domestic production advances the goal of breaking our dependence on foreign oil!! My suspicion: they are trying to drive the price of gas up so that we will be more likely to buy their stupid fuel efficient cars. You know, the toasters on wheels. Back when gas was 4 bucks a gallon - BHO said he did not mind that. He was just upset about how fast it got to 4 bucks. Wonderful.

But, on the good new front. 65 Democrat House members sent a letter to the AG Eric Holder. They told him they were opposed to a new so-called assault weapons ban. Also, they told him that they would 'actively' work against any attempt to re-impose that failed piece of legislation. Could it be - just maybe - that they finally got the message that America is a pro-gun country? And that poking your thumb in the eye of gun owners is a political loser?

And lastly. Our Dear Leader did a NCAA basketball bracket. Now, it is true that he picked UNC to win - and they are still alive. BUT!. I compared my bracket to his - my bracket DESTROYED his. Even if my dear Spartans lose on Monday - My bracket will have kicked the ass of the Kenya born Socialist all over the court!!!

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