Sunday, April 5, 2009

We should have sent - and now should send - the dog eater a message

Kim Jong Il, the pot-bellied dog-eater from the People's Paradise of North Korea, has delusions of grandeur. His 4th rate country just tested a long range missle. It is a precursor to having nuclear attack capability against South Korea, Japan, and soon - the US of A.

One has to wonder how they can pull this off. They are technologically ass-backwards. This is a photo of the Korean Peninsula at night. The tiny spot of light you see - that is the capital city. This is what a top down, command, communist economy yields.

But now, they are testing a long range missle. What should be done? I thought we should have sent a cruise missle in from a missle cruiser off-shore to destroy the rocket on the launch pad. Yah - the Chinese would bitch. But they need us as much as we need them. And - how much are they REALLY gonna risk for the likes of the little Dog-Eater?

A recent poll indicates that 57% of Americans favor a military response. Americans GET IT. They know a threat when they see one. They know when the use of force is justified. But, you can be sure that the Kenyan born Statist that lives in the White House is not among them.

B. Hussein Obama is calling on the UN to impose sanctions on the North Koreans! Really? Sanctions? Take a look at the photo. These guys are living in the stone age as it is. Their only source of anything is clearly the Chinese, with whom they share a border. The Chi-Coms will not honor sanctions (even if they don't veto them). So sanctions? Certainly a failing strategy.

But, that is what you would expect from The Messiah. Gotta reach out to our allies! Can't 'go it alone'. Can't be preemptive. That is the kind of strategy that will result in a nuke landing in Hawaii or maybe the socialist paradise of California.

If that happens - Kim Jong Il needs to be VERY careful-for he will have crossed the Rubicon. I am sure that exploding a nuke over US soil will yield the mother of all responses: A HARSHLY worded letter from the entire UN Security Council. Now THAT is what keeps dictators up at night.

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