Wednesday, April 8, 2009

HUBRIS - Thy name is Obama

It just keeps getting better. As we all know, Man Made Global Warming is nonsense. Global warming is caused by an increase in the suns output. Higher CO2 levels are CAUSED by higher global temps - they are NOT the cause of them.

Coupled with that: the current planetary temperature computer models suck. If you put the ACTUAL data from 10 years ago into them - you get predictions of higher temperature for today. The actual result - the temperature is lower now that 10 years ago. Not only do the models get the size of the temperature change wrong - they get the DIRECTION of the change bass-ackwards. The reason? The models ignore the SUN - you know - the ultimate source of all energy on earth. That is like predicting the temperature in your house in the winter without factoring in the output of your furnace.

But, The Messiah is not letting these two facts stop him. According to this article, and here also, he is actually having people look at trying to artificially COOL the PLANET! Talk about HUBRIS. We don't understand the planet well enough to write a decent computer simulation. But, we are smart enough to figure out how to cool the planet (that does not need it to begin with!)????? And do it correctly? What BS.

They have a couple of brainstorms:

  • Make an 'artificial' volcano. The idea - spew masses of particles into the atmosphere. These particles will then reflect solar energy back into space. Really? Really? You are going to spew pollution in the air? You know what the global side effects will be? Did you do a good computer simulation? I didn't think so.
  • Come up with 'artificial' trees suck CO2 out of the air and store it. Are you kidding me? We are going to suck CO2 out of the air on a planetary scale? How would you even power such a device? What next, pump out the oceans? Who the hell are we kidding?

The idea is that we are going to deliberately 'fix' a non-existent problem without screwing up something else up BIG TIME. Hell - we can't even predict the current global temperature from historical data! Artificial volcanoes and CO2 sucking machines? Please tell me he is kidding. Please tell me this is a big April fools joke.

This is hope and change we can believe in? No, no it's not.

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