Friday, April 10, 2009

Are you feeling safer? I am not.

This is some disturbing stuff. It is an article about Hillary's response to the Iranian claim that they have 7,000 centrifuges. You need centrifuges to purify Uranium. You need purified Uranium to build a bomb. If you are Iran, you need a bomb to follow through on your oft repeated threat to wipe Israel off the map. Blowing up Tel Aviv would probably suffice.

I wanted to focus on Hillary's response - since she is our chief diplomat

  • "We do not attribute any particular meaning, with respect to the range of issues that we are looking to address with the Iranians, from this particular statement,"

    So basically, she is saying 'Yah, whatever'.

  • "We don't know what to believe about the Iranian program."

    So I guess we should not expect a bold, hard-edged response from you if you don't even know what to believe

  • "It would benefit the Iranians in our view if they cooperated with the international community, if they abided by a set of obligations and expectations that affect them and by which we believe they are bound. We are going to continue to insist on that,"

    Well - if you are going to INSIST - That's different.

  • Clinton said..."she did not see Iran's latest statements about its nuclear program as a rebuff to U.S. overtures to engage Tehran"

    Really? What the hell was it then?

Look, this is pretty straightforward.

  • Iran has announced repeatedly that it is their desire to destroy Israel
  • The best way for them is to use a nuke
  • The have announced they have a vibrant nuclear program
  • They say it is for energy - but they have a bagillion barrels of oil - so probably not
  • They are enriching Uranium

It is not much of a stretch to see where this is going.

Israel will act on their own - in pre-emptive self defense before too long. The fact that the US has 'warned' them in public should not be taken seriously. Apparently, since the Messiah got elected, we no longer have the balls to do what is necessary. So, we will let our little brother, Israel, do it.

Folks - we need adults back in Washington before there is a mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv. Then people will whine--why didn't we DO something to prevent this. The reason? You elected a person in BHO who just does not believe that there is evil in the world. He will though, when Iran shoves the fact right up his ass while we try to talk them to death. Obama will be the new Neville Chamberlain.

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