Thursday, February 12, 2009

Are those footsteps I hear? They are coming for your free speech rights

In a truly audacious comment, Slick Willie Clinton said, in answer to the amazing question "Is it time for some type of media accountability?
"Well, you either ought to have the Fairness Doctrine or we ought to have more balance on the other side," Clinton said, "because essentially there's always been a lot of big money to support the right wing talk shows and let face it, you know, Rush Limbaugh is fairly entertaining even when he is saying things that I think are ridiculous.

Now, let's examine this statement, which is actually quite illustrative.

For those of you who went to public school, let me remind you what the First Amendment to the Constitution says (Yes, it was written by dead white men, deal with it)
Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech...

Now, that seems quite clear to me. What confuses me is how the hell you reconcile that with 'enforced media accountability'. Who the hell does Congress think they are??

Clinton says we need 'balance'. No one is stopping any Liberal who wants to from taking to the air waves and competing in the marketplace of ideas. Air America tried, several times. Of course, their audience numbered in the dozens and they failed repeatedly. Why is that?

Clinton would have you believe that there is more money to fund conservative talk. How can this possibly be true? Obama out-raised McCain by 4 to 1! There is clearly plenty of Liberal money out there.

But next, Clinton slips up and admits the truth.
Rush Limbaugh is fairly entertaining

Ah hah - we have a winner ladies and gentlemen. Clinton gives Rush props that he is entertaining. (Now, he did only say 'fairly' entertaining. But coming from a Liberal, this is high praise indeed).Which must mean, by comparison, he knows that Liberal Radio is NOT entertaining. Well, duh!! If it was entertaining, it would not fail every time it is tried.

So, what are we left with? If you want to force 'balance', you have two choices. You can build up the smaller, or tear down the larger.

1) Increase the listenership of Liberal talk. It is unclear to me how one would do this. People have tried - they have failed. The Liberals on the radio are all angry - and not the least bit funny or entertaining.

2) You can DECREASE the availability of Conservative talk. This is the true goal. The Liberals are pissed about talk radio - shutting it down is their answer.

By the way, where is the call for 'balance' in TV news? One the Liberal side: ABC,NBC,CBS,MSNBC,CNN, and CNBC. One the Conservative side: Fox.

When the leveling wind of socialism, dictatorship, or censorship blows -- it does not level by filling in the low spots and valleys. No. It levels by flattening out the high spots.

Those high spots, successful people, are the result of those people exercising their freedom to engage in commerce and in the marketplace of ideas. This notion of government imposed 'balance' is nothing more that squashing down the successful in order to make the 'losers' in the game feel 'better' about themselves. I don't give a damned about 'balance' our the self esteem of the Liberal talks hosts or of the Congress-critters who have their feelings hurt by what is said about them on the radio.

All I give a damned about is Freedom - and about getting the Government to back the hell up away from trying to take our Freedoms away. It has been a long, slow drain. But, with The Messiah in office - I see sure signs that the brakes are coming off. They want to regulate every aspect of the economy (the bail-outs and the 'stimulus' package are the tools), how we utilize our resources (through environmental laws) , and now - how much speech we are allowed to engage it.

People, wake up! This is nothing short of tyranny. If this trend continues and is enforced, I shall be forced to review with my readers another of our Founding documents, the Declaration of Independence. In particular, the Preamble. To wit:
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth...

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