Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tone Deaf Democrats - Which Americans are YOU listening to?

The always annoying Charles Schumer, Democrat from New York was on the Senate floor recently. Apparently he peeved about all of us chattering out here about the Pork in the pending Porkulis bill.

Those little, tiny Porky amendments? Hey, Chuck - add them up. They run into the hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars. I guess in Washington, when you are spending someone else's money - Billions and Billions and Billions IS tiny.

Now, I don't know who he is listening to, but here in Ohio (aka 'flyover country') we are plenty pissed about all the pork. I doubt the Chuck even knows where Ohio is - because if he did, he would have shut his mouth before he put his foot in it.

Using sarcasm and ridicule is not the way for someone of Chuck's supposed stature to be dealing with the people who put him in office. Oh - and SHAME on New York.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This reminded me of a joke...

A little boy wanted $100, so he wrote a letter to God requesting the money. The letter was addressed to: God USA, so the post office sent it to the President. Amused, the President sent the boy $5. When the boy got it, he immediately wrote God again and said, "Thanks for the $100, but because you sent it to Washington first, those a@#holes took out $95 in taxes!"

These guys are unbelievable!