Saturday, February 7, 2009

What the hell is a Moderate, anyway?

What exactly is a Moderate in politics? This is more than a rhetorical question. What core values does a Moderate hold? There are several so-called Moderates in the Republican party. They are more than moderately successful at screwing the rest of us. To wit, Susan Collins

The Senator can be counted on to side with the Democrats on most issues of deep concern to Conservatives. She voted for the recent 'bi-partisan' Pork-laden 'Stimulus' bill. She claims 'It is the best we could do'. Oh, BS - It was NOT the best you could do. But, Susan is from Maine - not exactly the heartland. She is probably what passes for a conservative up there.

On the other hand, you have Arlen Specter;

As a conservative, I find Arlen truly detestable. And SHAME on the people of Pennsylvania for returning this little turd to office. He should have been taken out in the Primary. Anyway. Arlen routinely votes against conservative interests with regard to Taxes, the military, judicial appointments, and now - Porkulus.

For the life of me, I try to understand these types that are regarded as 'moderate'. Sometimes they are portrayed in glowing terms, like 'consensus builder', or 'reaching across the isle'. That is laughable. From where I sit, they have not core values. No defining principles by which to judge legislation. Instead, it is however the wind is blowing. This stimulus bill as an example. They are all worried - the sky is falling - we have to do 'something'. No, we don't. And if we choose to do something, let's not lurch towards socialism in the process.

The liberals see this only as a chance to release 10 years of pent-up spending urges.(Like Rahm said - Never let a good crisis go to waste). Conservatives see this as the existential threat to the free-market that it is. Those are identifiable, core, passionate positions. You can debate the relative merits - but each group is being true to their core values.

The moderates? What is guiding them? Concern for the economy? Concern for people? Concern for their reputation? Who the hell knows. They know they want to do 'something'. But without core values to guide them, they have no way of knowing what 'something' should be. So, they take up with the Liberals. The Liberals are more popular right now - so let's side with them. Then they get a few minor cosmetic changes to the bill. Now they can say they had an 'impact'. Then vote with the Liberals -- AGAIN.

Neither of these mental midgets can give a coherent, well reasoned, explanation of the philisophical underpinnings of the approach. No, but,,you know,,, we had to do SOMETHING. Really? Even if that 'something' is going to make things worse. But, you have no basis on which to make that judgement - cuz you are a MODERATE.

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