Monday, February 16, 2009

One, Two, Three, Eleven, Eleventy-Three

I like to watch Sesame street with my two-ish year old grand-daughters. One of my favorites is 'The Count'. You know, the Dracula-lite little puppet that is always counting things.

Well, Count, it seems you will be needed in Washington soon. And take Oscar the garbage-can dwelling Grouch with you. We need you for your counting skills, and Oscar for his ability to deal with GARBAGE.

I case you haven't read about it, the White House (read The Messiah and his mini-me Rahm Emanuel, are moving to take DIRECT control of the 2010 census!! It has historically been done by the Commerce Department (it was about the only thing they actually did, as far as anyone knows). But no more.

Why is this a concern. Well, it seems The Messiah does not think all that 'counting' is really that big of a deal. Instead, the Democrats want to use something called 'statistical sampling'. The idea here is 1) you count the best you can, the 2) you make up the final numbers based on 'statisitics'. Remember, figures don't lie, but liars can figure.

So, here is how it will play out. We will have the pretext of an actual count. Then, Rahm and his boys will apply 'factors', 'weightings', 'normalizations', and possibly even 'correlation coefficients' to come up with the final result.

I will save you the suspense, here is what the net result will be. Areas that voted 'Blue' in the last election will gain people - a LOT of people. The 'Red' areas will lose people. This will mean several things. First, we will probably have a couple of extra Democratic congress-critters in the next congress (unless things keep going like they have the last couple weeks - in which case little can be done to save the Dems). Also, the big cities, where all of these 'new' citizens will be found to be living, will get an extra chunk from suckling at the Federal Teat.

With all that is going on - will anyone notice? Or care? Probably - a little. But it won't matter. Because, BHO is taking a page right out of the 'Dictators Handbook'. Ok, I made that up. But if there were such a thing - one of the rules would be - do whatever is needed to distort the outcomes of elections in your favor. The Messiah is doing it preemptively...good strategy. Omerika - can you here us yet?

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