Monday, February 16, 2009

Nationalize Health Care - Part One

Guess what was slipped into the recently passed 'Porkulis' economic stimulus bill?? We have taken a huge first step towards the Federal Government having final say over what health care you can get!! This is the same bunch that brought you

  • Public Education (Broken)
  • Social Security (Bankrupt)
  • Congress (Clueless)
  • The BWM (Inefficient)
  • Welfare (Destroyed the Black Family)
  • The Tax Code (Bloated)
  • The IRS and BATF (Oppressive)
So forgive me if I am less than enthusiastic about the Feds wading any further into health card.

What is it, exactly, that they have done in the Porkulis bill that will lead to Nationalized Health Care? Well, two things actually.
First, they have are creating a nationwide data base to collect all of YOUR health records in one place. This is coupled with an organization that is supposed to research the 'effectiveness' of treatments - with the goal of 'assisting' your doctor in selecting the most 'effective' treatment.

There in lies the rub! The government's idea of 'effectiveness' will factor in, very heavily, the idea of 'cost effective'. This article gives a couple of specific examples.

Treatments for older Americans will be limited. They have fewer years to benefit from a treatment. Treatments for them are then, by definition, less 'cost' effective than a similar treatment for younger folks.

Now, the argument will be made that this bill does not ACTUALLY put these controls in place. True enough - for now. But, that is just a temporary reprieve for us. Let's face it, once they have this huge database, and they have been doing 'research' on cost-effectiveness - you honestly think they will stop there? Hardly.

The draw will be too great. A couple of simple changes in the language of this bill by a subsequent Congress, and presto-chango - the Federal Government controlled doctor will see you now. Or not, depending on how cost effective treating you is.

This same concept is what drives us Gun Owners to so forcefully resist any type of gun registration. Once they have you all registered - what will they do with that data. It lets them put in tighter controls (make felons out of lawful gun owners where no felon existed before), or as a tool for eventual confiscation (like happened in England and Australia).

Lists and/or databases in the hands of bureaucrats are a dangerous thing. You cannot count on them to limit their use to the original purpose. In fact, you can count on them making mischief with the data. That kind of data concentrated in one place is just too much a temptation.

Folks, why are we allowing this? My God - look at what the Federal Government meddles in already!! And now, do you want them to put themselves in the position to decide which medical treatment your doctor can choose for you? Heaven help us!!

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