Wednesday, February 25, 2009

And this is a suprise to whom?

As we pointed out here in a previous post, we think The Messiah's idea saying he will close Guantanamo is a truly bad idea. Turns out, there are truly bad people being held there!

Reading this story from the AP, it seems that this fact may have finally dawned on the new dimwit running the Justice Department, Eric 'I love gun control' Holder.

AG Holder says closing Guantanamo won't be easy

WASHINGTON (AP) - Attorney General Eric Holder said Wednesday the Guantanamo detention center is a well-run, professional facility that will be difficult to close—but he's still going to do it. Holder visited the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on Monday and spoke to reporters about his trip during a news conference Wednesday.

Closing Guantanamo, he said, "will not be an easy process. It's one we will do in a way that ensures that people are treated fairly and that the American people are kept safe."

President Barack Obama selected Holder to lead the new administration's effort to close the detention facility within a year.

Much of the year will be spent reviewing the individual case histories of the roughly 245 inmates, the attorney general said.

"It's going to take us a good portion of that time to look at all of the files that we have to examine, until we get our hands around what Guantanamo is, and also what Guantanamo was," he said.

Holder said his visit to the site was instructive. He met with military officials and toured the facilities, including the court setting where military commissions were to be held until Obama suspended them.

He said he did not witness any rough treatment of detainees, and in fact found the military staff and leadership performing admirably.

"I did not witness any mistreatment of prisoners. I think, to the contrary, what I saw was a very conscious attempt by these guards to conduct themselves in an appropriate way," he said.

The attorney general said none of those impressions alters the administration's goal of closing Guantanamo by January 2010.

"It does not in any way decrease our determination to close the facility, even though as I said it is being well-run now," he said.

In his confirmation hearings before the Senate, Holder said lawyers will have to examine each detainee's case, and determine who can be brought to the U.S. for a criminal trial, sent to foreign countries or tried and held by the U.S. in some other fashion.

Now, really? It will be hard! Shocking. Our allies have already said they will not take any 'really' bad guys. Well, we already let the 'good' ones go. And, it turns out, a good number of them are already back at the Jihad.

So, our allies won't take them. It is a bad deal to bring them to US soil. The liberals want to treat them like common criminals. You know, lawyers, rules of evidence, etc. etc. Problem is, these guys are enemy combatants. They were trying to kill our soldiers. Never in our history have we extended people like like civil trials - it is just a BAD idea.

So, can't send them to our allies. Should not bring them here. What is left? Send them back to whatever hell hole, American hating country they came from?

If we do that to 245 Jihadists - you will be able to time with a stopwatch how long it will be before the next American gets killed by these vermin.

Yes, Mr. Holder - doing the stupid thing - Closing Gitmo - SHOULD be hard. So hard in fact, that you should give up the idea before you do something really, really stupid and wind up getting some us killed.

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