Friday, January 30, 2009

What is it with Democrats not paying their freaking taxes?

Folks - what the hell is going on in Washington with the Democrats? Seems every week we are being treated to a new story of a nominee of the Messiah who can't seem to pay their taxes.

Charlie Rangel - a senior member of the house committee that writes TAX LAW. He is in trouble because he failed to declare income and pay taxes on a rental house he owns in the Dominican Republic (everyone does, right?). His excuse? He 'was not aware' that he was getting income from this property. Really? He wasn't aware? Please.

Next we have Tim Geithner. He had a tough time in his confirmation hearing. Why? Well, seems he failed to pay taxes while he was an independent contractor working for the IMF. Now, he originally failed to pay taxes for 4 years, 2001-2004. The IRS had already caught the fact that he skipped 2003 and 2004 - he paid those taxes in 2006. He waited until just before his confirmation hearing in January to pay his 2001 and 2002 taxes, even though he had to know in 2006 that he owed them. So, if he had not been nominated for the Secretary of the Treasury (you know, the guys that run the I.R freaking S) he would have NEVER paid those taxes. Nice. Oh, and his excuse for the trouble to begin with? He did not understand the questions while running Turbo Tax to do his taxes!! The boss of the IRS could not understand Turbo Tax? This is the guy giving the Savior advice on how to fix the economy. I hope the questions about the economy are simpler than the Turbo Tax questions!

Last we have the quite distasteful Tom Daschle. He used to be the Democratic leader of the Senate before he got kicked out of the Senate by the voters of his state. Sadly, he was replaced by the ever-contemptable Harry Reid. Anyway, Mr. Dashcle is up for the job of Secretary of Health and Human Services. His problem? Well, for years, someone gave him (for free) the use of a car and driver. Now, given the general driving records of the Washington politicians (a couple of Kennedys come to mind) this is not such a bad idea. The problem is that, according to state law, Daschle was required to report this as income. Of course, he did not. Now, five months ago, probably on info that he was in line for a job with the Messiah, he had his accountant investigate the implications of this free car and driver. Clearly, he knew he had been screwing the system and decided to come clean before he got nominated. But, he did so ONLY BECAUSE of the nomination.

So, what can we conclude from the actions of these good for nothing turd-merchants?

  • They do not want to live in the world that they have created for you
  • They think that they are above the laws that they wrote for you
  • They will only come clean when either a) they get busted, or b) prior to a high profile event where their CRIMES would be exposed.
  • They get special treatment, because none of them were prosecuted

This people are vermin. They are a disgrace to this country, the constitution, and they bring shame on the rest of us.

Having Democrats get caught just shows their hypocrisy even more brightly. They are always going on about 'playing by the rules' (with the implication that Republicans don't), and how they are for the 'little guy' (the little guy can't get all his penalties waved like ole Charlie Rangel), and how everyone must pay their 'fair share' (I guess for them, their fair share is ZERO).

But hey, this country elected the clown that is appointing these rodents - hope you are happy now, chumps Is this the change we can believe in?


The Rambling Taoist said...

Oh come now. It's not a Democrat thing -- it's a rich people thing. The wealthy don't like to pay taxes.

Anonymous said...

So, your defense is: Everyone does it?

And when the Republicans didn't - they were chastened. And we heard about the 'culture of corruption' and not 'playing by the rules'.

Where is the outrage from the left when the Dems are the ones?

Oh, that's right. When you are a Democrat, it is different.