Saturday, January 17, 2009

Reaching to control our economy - and not is a good way

A couple of the Messiah's recent appointments (or maneuverings), when taken together, spell even more trouble coming for the US economy. And frankly, these moves look to be designed to further BHO's socialist ideals. If you don't think he has socialist ideals, you have not been paying attention.

For now, I will limit the discussion to Henry Waxman and Ken Salazar.

First, the odious Mr. Henry Waxman. Seen here is recent photo, along with Brad Pitt. (There have been consistent rumors that the two were separated at birth. I will let the thoughtful reader decide for themselves). As a side note, it appears that the congress's dental plan is not all that good after all. (Oh my, how petty!) Why is Pitt pictured here? Absolutely no reason other than I like poking fun at Henry.

Mr. Waxman is a most unpleasant little man. Called a 'Pillar of Hate America Left' by some, he has had associations with, and lent support to, enemies of America. This included helping funnel $600,000 of cash and weapons to our enemies in Fallujah.

He has spent the bulk his career 'investigating' all kinds of people and activities. He never discovers anything, but relishes in the limelight that comes with being the grand inquisitor. He investigated based purely on political differences, trying to criminalize policies disagreements. Beyond that, he has pissed away millions of our dollars, as well as endlessly harassed political opponents as well as innocent citizens.

Mr. Waxman has nearly a spotless 100% voting record on (mis-guided) 'environmental' issues and is a 'global warming' zealot.

Mr. Salazar, currently a Senator from Colorado, is a little more appealing (or less hideous - depending on your perspective). While he does vote nearly 100% with the wacko environmentalist movement, some of his other votes do, in fact, show a little more moderate temperament. The fact that Salazar my be even dumber than Jay Rockefeller or Patty Murray (though nowhere as stupid as Cynthia McKinney) does not bode well. He is probably too stupid to realize when he is being used as a pawn. Oh, to remind you who McKinney is

So why do Salazar and that ass-clown Waxman matter now, in particular.

Well, Waxman is going to be the the new chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. John Dingell from Michigan was unseated by Mr. Waxman in a coup engineered by Speaker Pelosi (no doubt with the direction and support of the Messiah himself). Mr. Dingell, being from Michigan, tempered the left-ward shift of the committee by bringing the interests of the auto industry, in things such as CAFE standards, to the fore. You can forget that kind of moderation now. Mr. Waxman will be balls to the wall in implementing the Left's socialist agenda on 'man-made global warming' (a condition that does not exist).

Some will argue against the the characterization as socialist. Make no mistake - this is all about the Feds gaining even more CONTROL over business and the economy. THAT is socialist thinking. They are doing it using the fear created by the BS concept of man-made global warming.

How does Mr. Salazar figure into this? He will provide a second thrust in the attack to provide Dear Leader cover to muck around with 'Green' energy initiatives. We are getting ready to waste BILLIONS on government driven 'research' into so-called green technologies. These are an attempt to replace oil. Unless this green push includes nuclear power (it won't) the efforts will fail (and - they will)

Mr. Salazar said that he will 'consider' re-imposing the ban on drilling for our OWN oil off our OWN shores. When pressed, he said that 'some' areas are appropriate for drilling. But he had 'no idea' how much of the ban should be re-imposed.

Let me translate:

  • The term 'I will consider' the ban means - 'I will do this. I am not going to tell you that now - but consider it a done deal'.
  • The term 'some areas are appropriate for drilling' means: 'Any area in which we don't ban drilling will certainly not be economically viable for drilling.
  • The term 'I have no idea' how much of the ban to re-instate' means - We will re-instate so much of it that we will make damned sure no one can actually drill in the non-banned parts.

So, the net result of all of this nonsense?

  • Waxman will move to put in draconian 'green house gas' regulations
  • These regulations will cost American industry hundreds of BILLIONS
  • We will be less globally competitive as a result
  • They will not impact the climate
  • Our economy will be further damaged
  • We will re-imposed the destructive ban on drilling our own oil
  • Other countries will then drill that oil
  • The long-term effect - more dollars leaving the US.
  • Our economy will be further damaged.

Congratulations, America - you elected these morons.

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