Friday, January 2, 2009

Losing the secret vote in election to unionize a business

There is huge move afoot to enact a deliberately mis-named bill called the Employee Free Choice Act. It is anything but. Basically, it removes the requirement for a secret ballot in elections where a work force is deciding whether to have a union represent them.

The bill is the love child of big-labor. Union membership has been declining for years. The idea behind this bill: union organizers would only need to collect signed cards from a majority of workers, then POOF -- unionized. The chance for union intimidation in this process is HUGE. The union will know who has signed and who has refused.

The unions are trying to peddle the idea that the current, secret ballot, lets companies intimidate employees!! The logic behind that is something only a true Union thug could understand. You can read the union's lame attempt here.

We have thought that this was probably a slam dunk once the Messiah was in office. It was a high priority for the Democrats. But, according to this article, the Dems appear to be faltering on this one.

Seems several of the Dems (from Red States) are re-thinking. Plus the RINO Susan Collins as well as that worthless sack of skin Arlen Specter (R), are realizing that 80% of the population rejects the basis of this bill: the loss of the secret ballot. On a side note: we REALLY REALLY need a good primary opponent to knock off Specter. He is SO lame, and dis-loyal, and an embarrassment.

The biggest irony in all of this: it was the unions that pushed to get the secret ballot instituted in the first place. Back then, it was the companies that were intimidating workers. The secret vote eliminated the opportunity to single out individual workers. It fit the unions purpose back then.

Now, when it serves the unions purpose, the want to introduce intimidation (by THEM) back into the equation..... Write and call your Senators and tell them NO.

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