Saturday, January 24, 2009

At least people are understanding ONE thing - Global Warming not a priority for people

In a glimmer of good news concerning opinion out there, PEW published a recent poll. In the poll, Global Warming (which, as we know, is NOT man's doing) ranked LAST in priority for 2009!

This is GOOD news. Maybe, (ok - a big maybe) the morons in Washington see this. Hopefully, they will not completely crush our economy for decades to come with their asinine Carbon taxes and Cap and Trade nonsense.

But, giving the impotence and lack of resolve of the Republicans that are left in Washington, combined with the Socialism instincts of the Dems -- Hope is what we have been reduced to for the moment.

Folks, hope is not a strategy. We must continue to combine 'hope' with action. In particular, continuing to educate your friends, family, and co-workers, to the dangers of the socialist direction we are moving in. People, if shown clearly what is happening, are capable of understanding and changing their minds. If we do that, it CAN bear fruit.

Now, the results of a poll should not be confused with real progress. But, it IS an indication that people out there are capable of changing their minds. The next step, the same change in Washington.

Viva la resistance!

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