Monday, January 19, 2009

As we await the Coronation Ascension Beatification Inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama, several thoughts have found their way into my brain.

  • How funny it is that, the same people that bitched about the $40 million spent on Bush's last Inauguration have NO problem with the $170 million being spent this time around. I guess when a Deity is involved, cost is no object.
  • How the country's current economic problems are NO barrier to this Inaugural orgy of spending. I guess the problems on 'main street' are not so visible once you have power
  • How this event is catering to the rich - and screwing the common man.

In addition to the TEN balls BHO is expected to attend, this article details many of the hypocritical excesses that will be on display.

  • Special heated seating for the rich guys
  • Special airport procedures for all of the private jets. (What the hell happened to Carbon Footprints?)
  • The Ritz-Carlton's $50,000 package for four nights. (Including an $8,000 bauble to wear to the ball.

This started at the concert at the Lincoln Memorial, the so-called 'We are the one' event. Rich guys in a heated tent, not-so-rich in the cold. So, it was the 'We are the one - but you are not' concert.

Now, this is all to be expected. Being rich SHOULD have it's perks. You give big money to a candidate, you expect something come celebration time.

The thing that is so galling? The Liberals are so freaking self-righteous. They try to act like they are 'different'. That class and wealth don't matter. That they are the party of the 'working family', of the common man. Oh, BS. They are spending more than 4 times what Bush spent - and they are doing it in the middle of a financial turmoil that their own policies from the Clinton era CREATED.

The taxpayer who is footing the bill for this? The Hell with them.... Let them eat cake.

The pigs in Animal Farm have nothing on these guys. Like the book said 'All animals are equal, some animals are more equal than others'. George Orwell, call your office.

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