Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Intolerance - Thy name is Liberal

Ok - So The Messiah has invited Rick Warren to give the prayer at his inauguration. Rick Warren is a very successful pastor of the Saddleback Church, location of the faith forum during the campaign. He is also the author of the wildly popular book A Purpose Driven Life.

The choice of Warren for this prayer has caused howls of outrage from the Liberals. The whining is relentless. What is the reason for this outrage?

  • Because Rick Warren invited The Messiah to Saddleback, even though there are huge disagreements between the two on a wide variety of issues? NO, that's not it

  • Was it because Warren used the term 'U.S of KKK A' and 'not God bless America, but God Damn America' in his sermons? Oh wait - that was BHO's pastor! So, no, that wasn't it.

  • Is it because of his heroic work in fighting AIDS? Even though in a column , Frank Rich said this is not a 'Fighting AIDS is not a get-out-of-homophobia-free card.' Notice the moral equivalence - liking traditional marriag e is akin to homophobia! So, no fighting AIDS is not it.

Then what, my friends, is it? The reason is one of the unpardonable sins against the Church of Liberalism - Pastor Warren has a principled objection to Gay Marriage. He is on record of supporting gay couples, but he opposes Gay Marriage. Oh, the horror. A pastor defending traditional marriage. But guess what folks? In an interview,
Obama said, "I'm a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition, and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman."

Ok, so Warren is being beat up for believing the same thing as The Messiah. So whats new? People on the Right routinely get savaged for speaking essentially the same words as people on the Left. Because, when you are Democrat, it is different. Just how different?

Well Linda Hirshman wrote a satire on the HuffPo. It was a satire of the Warren inauguration prayer. It contained:
Let the light of Christian salvation come to the Jewish Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel and his family, some of whom survived the German effort to bring them to Christian truth in the last generation.

Wow! Did she just really invoke the specter of Nazi Germany? Yes, she did. That is what passes for funny on the Left I guess. This is the same crowd that was appalled at Barack the magic Negro.

It is a sad day when a pastor cannot have deeply held convictions about traditional marriage with someone invoking Hitler. It is a sad day when a presidential inauguration cannot make room for a pastor who does not toe the Liberal line. What the hell is BHO having a prayer for anyway? The Wiccans and the Druids can't be happy. The atheists must be pissed. The idiots from 'Americans United for the Separation of Church and State' must already be preparing a law suit seeking injunctive relief.

But, it also puts the lie to the notion that the Left is somehow more 'tolerant' than the Right. They are not. If anything, they are more dogmatic and way less tolerant. They are completely IN-tolerant of any opposing views. They are chock full of litmus tests: Abortion, Gay Marriage, Global Warming, open borders, hating the rich, etc. Fail a litmus test, and they will strive to silence you.

This groups comes along with the guy that America elected. Heaven help us! (Can I still say heaven??)

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