Sunday, November 9, 2008

Not quite Mr. Fusion - but getting there. Our energy troubles solved?

Remember the movie 'Back to the Future'? Doc Brown comes back from the future to get Marty. For fuel to generate the 1.21 GigaWatts he needs - he dumps a bunch of garbage into a Mr. Fusion atomic generator mounted on the back of the DeLorean.

Well - we are not there yet, but, according to this article in the UK Guardian, we are getting closer.

The article describes a 'shed-size' nuclear reactor - that puts out enough electricity to power 20,000 homes. The article says the investment is $250/house. (I think that is an error - if my math is right (and it usually is), it would be $2,500 per house.) The total cost of the power is said to be $0.10 per KwHour. I am paying about $0.12 now. Also, in another article, Toshiba is developing an even smaller scale model - that could do it for $0.05/KwHour. They both use molten Lithium-6 as a coolant, which makes them extremely safe.

Now, you would think that this would be exciting, fantastic news!!! Just imagine - a power source that emits ZERO pollutants. A ZERO carbon footprint. Nothing to cap and trade. You would think that the environmentalists would have an eco-orgasim.

But - you know better. They will complain about the nuclear waste. Yes, a problem, but one we can solve, if we will only let ourselves. They will complain about environmental impact (even though the reactors take up the space of a garage - UNDERGROUND). They will fret that the Silver-Breasted Nut Scratcher will lose its habitat. The will raise the horror of 'The China Syndrome. All bullshit.

What they really don't like, what they really fear, is the specter of clean and essentially unlimited energy! It would completely unshackle the industrial economy in the US. It would make us even more of world dominating powerhouse!! This is the nightmare scenario to the socialist driven environmentalists. Because, never (actually - never, ever) forget, the hard core enviro-whackjobs are, at the core, anti-industrialists and anti-capitalists. They hide behind 'mother-earth' like a child behind his mother's skirt.

They cooked up the cock and bull global warming crisis to scare little children. They will not let it go, despite the fact that the globe has actually cooled the last 10 years. Scientists will continue to be ostracized for daring to publicly acknowledge the utter falsehood of man-made global warming. This has been, and will continue to be ignored by the MSM. To do otherwise would piss off the left.

The Messiah, when be takes office, has promised all kinds of nefarious regulations (the worst of the worst is Cap and Trade). This will be a powerful club to wield against the evil corporations. It will be a source of tremendous revenue to the government, and a source of nearly endless Federal power to meddle in private industry.

So, you will NEVER see these mini-reactors in use in the US -- NEVER. We will hear all manner of nonsense excuses and diversionary 'reasons' as to why. Just remember - the WHY is the power of the environmental movement, its incestuous relationship to the Left, and the issue's ability to allow the Left to control YOUR life.

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