Thursday, November 20, 2008

Failing to learn the lessons of History

In my timely and insightful post right after the election, I posited that we needed to rebuild the Republican party as a Conservative party once again.

Sadly, according to this article, the leadership of the House Republicans do not agree. Not that this is particularly shocking - just disheartening.

The House caucus re-elected Boehner as their leader. Oh boy. Boehner has never been a conservative. He was in the House leadership in the run-up to losing the majority in the House in 2006. He was the leader of the House Republicans the last 2 years.

What has he learned? Not much it seems. Those of us conservatives realize that we, as Republicans, have lost our way. We became that which we complained about. Our 'leaders'?. They lost control of spending, they signed on to the Medicare Prescription drug plan, they went wobbly on the border, the appeared to buy into the man-made global warming farce. In short, they have acted as though they were ashamed of the Conservative label. As Dr. Phil says, 'How is that working out for you?' They became more liberal - and they are now out of power.

And now, you hear chirping that we need to 'move to the middle'. Or 'find common ground', or become more 'bi-partisan'. What the hell?? That is exactly how we got here.

And now when asked if he saw a trend towards conservatism in his conference? Boehner's response (sadly)
“I think our members are trying to avoid that.”
. Oh splendid! So what, more of the same? Yah - that should work. It worked so well that last two election cycles.

Folks, some simple truths are at work here.

  • We will NEVER be able to 'out-nice' the Liberals. We will never co-opt them on 'caring' more - never.

  • We will never be rewarded for our efforts in trying to 'be nice'.

  • Liberals will not like us more, be nicer to us, or stop lying about us.

  • Bi-partisanship is a loser for us. Because it only means we give up something - and get nothing in return. The Liberals get part of what they want now, the rest they will get later.

  • We look weak and un-principled. Why? Because we are. What are, raging Moderates?

Look - we need to define what, exactly, we stand for. The Liberals know precisely what they stand for. Lately, we have been 'liberal-lite'. This is a loser for us. We need to re-identify what makes us Conservatives.

  • Lower Taxes - both personal and business. We need to educate the public on why this is SUCH a good idea. High taxes rob people of the motivation needed to be productive.

  • SMALLER Government. We need to point out the ever increasing size and scope of Government, why it is bad, and how it erodes our freedoms

  • Secure our borders and protect our sovereignty

  • Reject Man-made global warming. It is a farce and we need to be clear about it. We must avoid putting BAD policies (like Cap and Trade) in place because we will not reject the junk science of global warming.

  • Increase Domestic oil and gas production

  • Support our military. And not this crap of 'I support the troops, but not the mission'. That is Horse-shite. We need to REVERE our military.

  • Reject political correctness and affirmative action. But instead, push the ideas of personal initiative, hard work, a level playing field, and letting people benefit from their hard work.

And we need to purge the RINOS from our midst - and damned soon. Until we embrace Conservatism once again - and get rid of the liberals in our party - we will be doomed to continue our current walk in the wilderness.

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