Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Selfish Americans

As we know, the MSM is touting the impending victory of BHO, and the attendant lurch towards socialism. Part of the BHO theme is that we need to help each other. I agree. And, so it seems, do Americans in general. (Though not Biden, who gave an average of less than $400 per year from 1996 forward, while making over $200,000).

In reflecting on this, I remembered some data on charitable giving. To wit - the more of a 'nanny-state' you have, the less generous you become. For those of you that always whine about data :-) -

The following graph shows American giving, as a percentage of our income, compared to the rest of the world. It is provided by the Charities Aid Foundation. You can find the report here.

This concerns me!! It seems the more Socialist a country becomes, the less generous they are. Said another way, the more a 'society' cares, the LESS their citizens do. I see two reasons for this:
1) People in these countries are so overtaxed that they cannot afford to help.
2) They just say, 'what the hell, let the government do it!'

And, lest you think this is limited to the world. This is a chart from 2004 showing STATE charitable giving rates. Click for a bigger view.

You see the Rich, Liberal states Mississippi, Arkansas, and Oklahoma at the TOP?

You see the Mean, Conservative Rhode Island, Taxachussets, and New Hampshire at the BOTTOM? (For those of you that went to public school - we call that sarcasm!)

You see where the distribution of Red/Blue states is? Cheap ass Republicans!

So, what is true globally is true at home. The more Socialist, the more nanny-state the government, the less generous the populace.

Is this what we want for this country? I pray not.

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