Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama - Court failed by not addressing 'Redistribution of Wealth'

In an interview in 2001 - you can hear the whole thing here..

He said we suffer from not pursuing 'Redistributive Change'.

He was not optimistic about bring 'Redistributive Change' through the courts. It needs to be done in the legislature.

So, he finally, in his owns words, touts REDISTRIBUTION. He tries to call it Economic Justice. That my friends is a code word for 'Better grab your wallet'.

Now, as a principle - I agree we need to distribute the wealth. We do this through: employment, people participating in commerce of their own free will, the free market, buying and selling, and people exercising their liberty by using enlightened self interets. WE the PEOPLE decide these things - NOT the government.

In the audio, BHO bemoans that the Constitution is a 'negative' declaration. It says what the Federal Government CAN'T do to you. He wishes it said what the Fed must do FOR you!! This is a new defintion of RIGHTS. Remember - before the government can do something FOR someone, they must first do something TO someone else.

This audio exposes Biden as a LIAR when he claimed over the weekend that BHO does NOT want to Redistribute the wealth. (As a note - the BHO campaign was SO upset that Biden got asked questions - they have not blackballed the TV station that asked them. That is a hint as to what a BHO Administration would be like. Achtung - You VILL follow the party line, or you vill be punished.)

We have been warned ladies and gents. This man is an unrepentant Socialist. Plain and simple. No more guessing, no more parsing. In his own words - he favors one of the key tenets
To each according to this abilities, to each according to his needs.
Thank you Carl Marx.

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