Monday, November 23, 2009

Renewing my faith in the American people

After the epic FAIL of the American voters in getting duped into electing the Messiah, a new poll is renewing my faith.

Just 38% of those poll now supports the Health Care abomination making its way through Congress. And this is kind of misnomer - since there are actually two versions. One in the House and one in the Senate. Plus, I assume the 2/3 of the people who say they support it have no idea what 'it' even is. No matter.

People are waking up. Luckily, it looks assured the Senate will have tremendous trouble agreeing on anything. This despite the fact that hundreds of millions in bribes are being handed out to Senators from individual states.

Since this crap will not pass this year - it will not pass. The congress-critters will not sacrifice their careers to try to save 'The One'. It is painful to watch - but I remain confident we will dodge this economy crushing, liberty robbing bullet.

Oh please, God, let America avoid this disaster.

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