Monday, August 17, 2009

You could not make this stuff up if you tried.

Well Well...

This weekend, the Messiah's administration finally has backed away from the 'public option' as being a 'necessary' part of health care reform. Translation- 'We give up'.

Basically - Obama MUST pass SOMETHING that he can call reform. To fail to do so will irretrievably damage his Sainthood status. He seems to think that dumping the liberal-loved, conservative-loathed public option just might do it. Of course, the brain-damaged left blogosphere is apoplectic. Why? Because they know that the 'public option' is a needed first step to single-payer universal, Canadian style health care. This is the Holy Grail for a Socialist. But wait..... Speaking of Canada. An unfortunate turn of events (for the Anointed just occurred there.

Seems the new head of the Canadian Medical Association is of the opinion that the Canadian Health care system is in a MESS. He uses the word 'imploding' to describe it. His organization is making 'overhauling' the system a TOP priority.

One wonders what method they will use. Well, wonder no longer, gentle-reader, because we shall reveal it to you: PRIVATE INSURANCE.

That's right - they are going to fix the Canadian Health system by patterning it more after the 'failed', 'bloated', 'inefficient', 'costly' AMERICAN health care system.

If that gives you chills of patriotism - you are not alone. We have known for years that Canadians come down from our 51st State just up north to the 'lower 48' to get health care that they are refused in Canada. Now, apparently, they have gotten tired of the drive and they are moving to a system where they can get the care closer to home.

Or, it may be, the hassle of getting the passport needed to come here is more onerous than reforming the health care system. So, they decided to avoid the passport issue altogether, and are fixing the mess they created in health care instead.

This should make it exponentially (for those that went to public school - that means 'a lot') harder for American politicians to extol the virtues of a 'Canadian' style system. It SHOULD... Hopefully, they will get the memo.

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