Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This was SO predictable

Well - the playbook of the Left is alive and (not-so) well.

After weeks of getting beat up, the White House signaled, in no uncertain terms, that it is shifting strategy. But not how one would think.

Let's have a quick re-cap of the biggest mis-steps.

  • The Cash-for-Clunkers (or, buy your neighbor a car) program. Even if you over-look the dubious basis for the program. You have the fact the it is a huge wealth destroyer - crushing cars that poor people could have used to get to work, or donated to charity. And the fact that a foreign automaker, Toyota, has been the biggest beneficiary. And the fact that it cost triple what was projected (typical of ALL government programs - triple really is not so bad). And the fact the the Government completely fumbled the ball on execution (again, typical). Then when you think 'and these people want to run health-care?' Yikes.
  • The Messiah trying to tell us that somehow the Post Office is some kind of model for competition that we can apply to the 'public' option for Health Care.
  • The Town Hall meetings have galvanized the great unwashed to rise-up and tell the Dems NO. Leading to us being called, in no particular order, evil-mongers, astro-turf, un-American, Fascists, Nazis, tea-baggers, obstacles, pawns, paid for by the insurance companies, and being told by the President to stop talking.
  • In a little-reported new story from Friday - the White House boosted it's own projection for the 10 year deficit by 2 TRILLION bollars (going for 7 to 9). Bet you didn't see that on ABCNBCCBSMSNDCNYTLATIMESCNNNPR.

So, the White House decided it was time to change strategy. By trying to be more bi-partisan? No. By trying to actually listen to what we are saying? No. By trying to start over on Health Care? Hell no.

Their idea of a change in strategy - to try to create a diversion. They have decided to start a criminal investigation of individual CIA agents in the 'torture' cases!! This after The One has told us it is time to stop looking back, and to start looking forward!!

This has caused quite a stir. Leon Panetta, the head of the CIA, apparently is threatening to resign in protest! Leon is loyal Democrat, not some Republican partisan hack!!

This is right from the Liberal playbook. Attack people who disagree with you. If that doesn't work-create a distraction to lure peoples attention away. If this case, focus on the dark deeds of the Devil: George W. Bush. Not sure how long Bush Derangement Syndrome will continue to work - I guess we shall see.

1 comment:

Rick said...

Great post. Surely they know we've caught on to this strategy? Obviously not. At least with the latest set of diversions they entertained us a little with cash for clunkers!
