Sunday, April 26, 2009

When is an 'A' not an 'A'?

The White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, recently 'graded' the Press Corps. He gave them an 'A'. Not just an 'A', but a STRONG A. Whatever could this mean?

Well, most likely, it is an indication of just what willing 'lapdogs' the press has been towards The Messiah and his staff. The coverage has been fawning and almost romantic.

Of course, this is simply an extension of what we saw during the campaign. If you wanted to hear any serious questions you had to read blogs, or the Washington Times, or tune into Fox News. That is, of course, why Fox is singled out as 'Right Wing'.

Because, in this age, anyone who questions the Messiah MUST, almost by definition be a Right Wing Nut Job. The MSM is SO far in the tank for The One - they are now trying to convince anyone who will listen that questioning the Messiah is 'divisive', 'hate full, or the old standby - 'racist'.

Which gets us back to the grade given the MSM by Gibbs. The press is given special Constitutional protection:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

As a quick aside - Keep your eye out for 'Hate Crimes' legislation on it's way that are really 'Speech Codes', like happened in England and Canada. Pastors can no longer speak out on homosexuality, abortion, etc. for fear of prosecution.

Anyway - so what has the Press in this country done with the freedom and protection outlined in the Bill of Rights? WASTED IT!! You don't need constitutional protection to be a 'yes' man, to give fawning coverage, to avoid asking hard questions. NO. You need the protection to challenge the Messiah on his past associations, question his Birth record; challange him on his tripling the deficit; his pitiful $100 Million cost cutting (after raising spending by TRILLIONS); his selection process for his cabinet; why Janet Napalitano still has a job; why Geitner still has a job; why he gave better treatment to Hugo Chavez that he did to the British Prime Minister; what now with North Korea?; what now with Iran?.....and on and on.

All these questions have, for all intents and purposes, been ignored. They will continue to be ignored. Now, they MAY ask a question about a 'sensitive' topic. But - big BUT - they take whatever lame answer is given. Even when the answer is bogus on its face. No further scrutiny, no hard hitting followup.

Why? Cuz the press still LOVES the Messiah. They act as one big cheering section. They don't want to be called 'anti-Obama' or 'racist'. Also, they don't want to be ostracized by their liberal press buddies. They don't want to endanger their invitation to the cocktail party circuit.

There should be a natural tension between the press and the object of the coverage. The press is supposed to probe and dig. They should not just 'accept' whatever lame answer is offered. They need 'follow up' questions. They should ask 'uncomfortable' questions. It is a disgrace the way they have pussyfooted around with this guy.

And it spills over to other topics like the Tea Parties. The Liberals are scared to death of this movement. It represents the first widespread indication that there is a big undercurrent of taxpayer discontent out here. The press did their best to minimize the parties, to chalk them off to 'big' organizers, to call the Astroturf-as opposed to Grass Roots. This is the White House's bidding folks.

The press should grow a set. They need an infusion of self-respect and spine. And they wonder why all these newspapers are failing? And why Fox News rules the ratings. In law enforcement, they would call this a 'clue'.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Rob, you are soooooooooooooo my hero! I'm glad we're on the same side.