Friday, April 10, 2009

Somalian Pirates missed the memo - Obama is President

These Somali pirates are yet another turd in The Messiah's global Punchbowl.

It was bad enough when they were seizing ships in open water. But now, they have seized an American flagged vessel. The Messiah responded in the only way he could - sent the Navy to protect the ship. If this piracy thing keeps up - eventually the US Navy is going to wind up killing some poor Somalia. Or, a whole boatload of them. And all this time, I thought the world LOVES Obama. Don't the pirates know this is going to be hard on him?

This sucks for him. He just made a big splash by telling the world that the US apologizes for hating on Islam and Muslims. He admitted our 'mistakes' (without specifying exactly what they were). He said we are not 'at war with Islam'. And, we are not.

However, it appears that PARTS of Islam are at war with us. Somalia is a nearly 100% Muslim country. It follows that the Pirates are Muslim. They are attacking American Flagged vessels. This is bad juju. Now, it is POSSIBLE that a rogue band of Southern Baptist or Reformed Methodist Somalis is responsible for these attacks. This would be great for Obama's outreach to Muslims - but it seems... well.. unlikely.

Somalia was a British colony until 1960. In less that 50 years of self rule, the Sunni Muslims there have managed to completely destroy their own country. It is regarded as the most dangerous place on earth. Why do Muslims seem to have so much trouble trying to run an efficient, free, lawful, prosperous society. We know it has nothing to do with the fact that Islam is not just a religion but an integrated world view that harkens back to the 1400's. I wonder what else it could be?

I know that the Brits are pretty much out of their 'colonizing' phase. But, I guess it could not hurt to ask if they want back into Somalia! The only other option seems to be the UN! Hey - that just made me laugh out loud!

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