Saturday, March 28, 2009

Zero Tolerance - Of Using Judgement

I love Liberals - they can be so entertaining. In this article we learn of a new form of Zero Tolerance. In a previous, insightful, post I already gave my view of zero tolerance.

Today's lesson in Liberal Lunacy - A school principal, reacting to a child in Middle School getting kicked in the crotch, has instituted a NO TOUCHING policy. No touching, hugging, high-fives, etc. Yah, that kind of touching.

The line of reasoning (I use the term generously) seems to go like this: A student got hurt - this is bad. A form of touch (a kick) was the cause. Therefore some forms of touch must be bad. And since we, as Graduates of Schools of Education, are not capable of discerning between an 'ok' touch and a 'bad' touch - we will ban all forms of touch.

Parents and children, according to the article, are 'outraged'. I should say so. What would outrage me is how such an idiot could be the Principal of a school. Time for a recall election for all of the members of the Board of Education.

I doubt this rule will stand - the parents are likely to prevail. But, the fact that it was even proposed just gives a glimpse into what a screwed up world you have when you let Liberals has the levers of power.

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